Vacation Day #6 Post #9

Heading home! We slept in an extra half hour, just because we could. This hotel was the only one we stayed at that had a full, hot breakfast! I had eggs, bacon, and toast – and grabbed a banana for the road. And hot tea!

Bananas and hot tea
Morning view from my motel window – fog resting on the mountains

We were all just sort of quiet and contemplative on the drive home. A little conversation but mostly just listening to some music – when we could pull a station in through the mountains. I loved the scenery.

Quick stop in Virginia
Mountains on the Interstate
Great views
More mountains
Sunset on the mountain – was probably Thursday night!

We stopped at the New River Gorge for a break, and Kath and I tramped down the many sets of wooden stairs to get pictures. Beautiful.

Me at New River
Kath at New River
River and mountains
Bridge – we just crossed it!
A SMALL section of the climb back up!

We stopped at McDonalds for lunch – my request! – as I wanted a chocolate milk shake and they are the only ones I really like! Once we ate, we took it on in and arrived home about 2pm. My house looked happy and inviting and perfect! I unpacked the car and my suitcases, did laundry, then washed and swept out the car. I said goodnight to the strawberry moon before climbing in my own bed for a good night’s sleep, tucked in my happy little house! It was a great trip and I would certainly go back! Thanks for coming with me as I shared my adventures and memories – It’s been fun having you along!

My happy house!
Strawberry Moon – welcome home!

Today I will share Paul’s message from River Hill -If not for Grace – The law can’t save us – we can’t perfectly obey the law, but it makes us aware. Don’t question God’s word; the whole world will be held accountable. 1) The law is the law – if we break even one small point there’s a penalty. The wages of sin is death. A) All have sinned B) God is just! C)God promised salvation. 2)In old testament law almost everything was punishable by death. 3) Laws main focus was to point us to our need to be cleansed. The Law REVEALS sin, it doesn’t cleanse us. We are saved by grace through faith. We have to respond to God. It’s not what we D O — it’s what He’s D O N E: Jesus on the cross!

On this day (July 1st) in 1776 the first vote on the Declaration of Independence was taken for the North American Colonies, and in 1847 the first US postage stamps sold. The first Zoo – Philadelphia – opened in 1874, and in 1898 Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders charged up San Juan Hill (CHARGE!!!). In 1904 the Summer Olympics were held in the US for the first time – St. Louis. In 1905 Albert Einstein introduced his theory of relativity. In 1908 SOS distress signal became the world wide standard for help. In 1916 Coco-cola brought the current coke formula to market, and in 1956 Elvis appeared on the Steve Allen show wearing a Tux. In 1963 ZIP codes were introduced to US Mail (Zone Improvement Plan), and in 1993 1 second was added to the clock. Olivia de Havilland was born in 1916, Diana Spencer in 1961. Harriet Beecher Stow died at age 85 in 1896, Marlon Brando at age 80 in 2004. Dwight Eisenhower married Mamie Doud in 1916, Hugh Hefner married Kimberly Conrad in 1989. In 1998 Barbra Streisand married James Brolin, and Maria Shriver divorced Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2011. And today is my youngest grandson’s birthday: Happy birthday Chase Emerson! You are smart and funny and love Goldfish and Strawberry Poptarts and playing video games – and Grammy’s INTERNET! Love you!

Happy day-you-were-born, Chasers!
Grammy with the boys –
Peyton, Chase, Logan
“What do you mean, I can’t get wet???”

“Not sure how Peyton got in there, but I hope I can keep him there…”
“I TOLD you I didn’t want to be here!!”
Howdy, Partner. Have you seen my horse???
Chase and Daddy – someone lost some teeth….
May be an image of 2 people
Chase’s baptism
Watching his favorite YouTube video gamer!
Princess of Wales Diana Spencer
Princess of Wales

 “SOS” (· · · – – – · · ·) distress signal

TOMORROW July 2nd is:

I guess I’m supposed to know what Anisette is…. I’ll look it up. Maybe I DID Know, but I FORGOT! 🙂 Happy weekend – Happy 4th holiday – happy July!!! God bless.

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