Vacation – Day 2 Post #3

This is part 2 of day 2 – 3rd vacation post – continued!

We had done our homework, and had another tour booked for later that afternoon. We had just the right amount of time to get from Liberty Square to the second tour on Anson Street. We actually had time to look for the Pineapple fountain that was along East Bay street. When we finally found it we all took off our shoes and socks and waded around, cooling off! We drove around the city looking at houses and taking pictures and walking in the cooler evening breeze. Paul was a good navigator and we found everything we wanted to see, and still got to the Old South Carriage Ghost tour on Anson Street in time.

May be an image of 2 people, including Marge Burke, people standing and outdoors
Kath and I playing in the fountain
Tramping around in the pineapple fountain
Paul and Kathy in the fountain
Me posing in the fountain
Charleston’s historic pineapple fountain
Cooling off in another fountain!

We had time between the fountain and the carriage tour to walk around a few streets – and my favorite was Rainbow Row! At one time it was a slum section, and the renovations included bright and pastel colors on the exteriors. I loved this street and took way too many photos!

I know it’s hard to read – but it’s the history of Rainbow Row
A peek inside Rainbow Row
Rainbow Row
Strolling Rainbow Row
Rainbow Row
Rainbow Row
Rainbow Row
Rainbow Row
Rainbow Row
Rainbow Row
Paul, Kath and I – Rainbow Row
Me at Rainbow Row

Mac was our horse for the tour – and the guide had a good knowledge of the city, history, and the hauntings, murders, deaths and betrayals. Lavinia was the most famous – she and her husband would kill the guests at their inn, chop them up, and hide them in the city. When it came time for them to be hung, Lavinia said she couldn’t be killed – because women were ‘property’ and as she was married she ‘belonged’ to her husband. So the judge executed him first, which made her a widow and she could be hung. She paraded through the streets in her wedding gown, trying to get someone to marry her. No takers – wonder why? So her quote before her death was “If any of you have a message for the devil, tell me now, for I shall be seeing him shortly.” Lavinia’s ghost still haunts the Jail and has reportedly been seen by many.

Mac’s driver and our tour guide
Office of Old South Carriage Tours (Purple building)
Kathy and I with Mac
Charleston’s haunted prison
Mac’s friend having a drink break

Being on the cobblestone streets and riding through the historic section among the houses and buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries had a very appealing charm. I loved the stories and the homes and the beauty and charm of the city – in everything we did!

Corner building
Rooftop garden!
Cobbled streets
Kath and Marge – Cobbled streets
Me – Cobbled streets
Historic Church
Palmetto trees line the road

We grabbed a quick supper at ‘Pizza by the Slice’ and headed back to the motel. It would be another early wake-up time in the morning. We would head to Magnolia Plantation. Good night…

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Jim’s message from First Pres in Inverness FL – Peace be Still. Jesus and his disciples were still in mourning from the death of John the Baptist. They needed to get away, to find peace and quiet to mourn. But the crowds followed, and were hungry, and Jesus fed the 5000 plus. Then the disciples set out on the lake and a storm whipped across the lake – they were frightened. When Jesus walked to them on the water, Peter wanted to walk to him – but he looked down and started to sink. Jesus called for the storm to be still – Peace. We needed to keep our eyes on Jesus – He will help us walk through the storms and give us peace.

Jim from Inverness FL

Now it’s off to get reorganized to start Day 3! God bless….

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