Today’s weather prediction was on and off rain and clouds. We’ll see if Trunk or Treat is inside or outside!

But Sunday School’s lesson was again about Esther. The kids made crowns and hats – Mordecai or Esther. Max held his scepter in the air, proclaiming Esther safe. They are enjoying the lessons and so am I.

When I got home, I started right away to switch out my summer clothes to my fall and winter ones. (And of course it’s to be almost 70* tomorrow!) I was just finishing when Nate came over to paint. He was just getting started when I had to leave.

There were well over 20 cars for Trunk or Treat at HCC. And there were a lot of people from the community and the neighborhood. In addition to the trunks, there were drinks, hot dogs, and chips inside for everyone. Just at 4pm it started to drizzle, but despite that it was a nice turnout, and very fun to see the kids in costume. Two of my favorites were the little colorful witch and the colonial gentleman!

Below are some photos from the trunks that were decorated, and there were actually several more than this. I couldn’t post them all!

Shelagh Robertson painted the farm!

As I type, I’m watching the Santa Stakeout with Paul Campbell on the Hallmark Channel. It’s so funny I’ve laughed out loud! I may actually step up my game and try to figure out how to record movies on my firestick!

Memory book- October 23rd: Did you ever pick apples? “We had apple trees on the farm when I was growing up. We picked them to make applesauce from the ‘summer’ apple tree. We picked them in early fall to make apple butter & pies. Then we picked from a ‘winter apple’ tree to store for winter.”

On this day in 1901 the first woman went over Niagara Falls in a barrel (Annie Edson Taylor), and in 1931 the George Washington Bridge opened connecting New York and New Jersey. In 1939 the first nylon stocking went on sale in Wilmington DE. Annie Edson Taylor was born in 1838, which means she went over Niagara Falls in a barrel on her 63rd birthday. Daniel Webster died at age 70 in 1852; Rosa Parks – Civil Rights Activist – died in 2005 at age 92. Maureen O’Hara, actress (the mom in the original Parent Trap!!!), died at age 95 in 2015, and Fats Domino at age 89 in 2017.

TOMORROW October 25 is:
Tomorrow I am having a tooth extracted; it is also 2 months until Christmas Day (as Bud would say). I’m fairly certain it won’t be 68* on THAT day! Have a great week – God bless.
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