Thursday July 17, 2014

Sunset.1 7-14 Sunset.2 7-14After a day of working 2 (really 3!) jobs, I came home to take my walk a little later than I normally would.  As I finished up, coming down Wren Drive, I was captivated by the drama of the sky. 

The clouds were dark blue and deep purple, sort of swirled like melted marshmallows.  The sun had already slid behind the distant trees, but a little light was still peeking through in places.

When I looked at that, I was struck by the majesty of the heavens, and could imagine the voice of God booming through eternity.  I like to remember that God is fair, and loving, but also fearsome and all-powerful. He sees everyone equally – the just and the unjust alike – but knows our thoughts and intentions intimately.  I also like to remember what Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables!) says on an evening after a full, blessed day.  I would agree with her:  God’s on His throne, and all’s right with the world.  Amen.

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