Spring Formal 2021

As mentioned several times, Kelly’s boys are home-schooled; they also belong to a co-op that combines the kids for tricky classes to get the best resources. Tuesday night their group sponsored a formal event for their high school students. There were about 18 students and 3 adult sponsors at the formal. Kelly (a sponsor) sent me pictures of the decorations – the building was an historic church that was repurposed into an event center, and very appropriately classy.

Classy fireplace

The food looked pretty good; made me hungry when I saw the spread. She said that there was some dancing going on, but often the boys were at one table playing cards and the girls at another. Also a lot of line dancing and group dances, too. But she assured me that they all had a wonderful time. So good that the kids could be together and actually do a normal high-school tradition.

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Punch and snacks
Good food

Below are pictures of Peyton and his date Evelyn. They have been friends for years, and have enjoyed doing things together, including this!

Peyton all dressed up – check out those boots!
Complete with flowers….
“Hmmm – I think this goes on somehow….
Ah – there it goes!
Smiling friends
Getting some fresh air
Beautiful sunset – beautiful kids!

It’s good to see the students smiling. Hope this is the first of many fun events! Proud and happy Grama, here!

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2 comments on “Spring Formal 2021
  1. Mary Corsi says:


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