September 4, 2022

I could not sleep last night. I woke up at 3am and didn’t fall back to sleep. I ended up working at the computer for over an hour but that didn’t help. It’s a good thing no one else is here because I’m probably a grouch in real life!

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When I looked out the door at church I saw a little blue button – but it wasn’t a button. It was a googly eye. I’m really glad about that, because it’s a good thing to keep an eye on the church… (I know, I know…)

It didn’t help that Sunday School was a little scattered. The two boys were excited, feeling like they got ‘promoted’ even though they were in the same classroom. They both moved up a grade in school, of course. We talked about rules and why they are important, but most of all we talked about how to find JOY (loving God with all your heart, mind, and strength). We’ll talk about JOY all month so we can reinforce the lesson.

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Last night I was finishing my supper when I heard one loud boom. I went outside and realized someone down the street was setting off fireworks. They were hard to see over the trees and I didn’t walk down, but I stood there for a few minutes and enjoyed them. I love fireworks!

Today after lunch I went outside and worked on pulling weeds and cutting back plants on the hill. I still have one section to do – if it doesn’t rain all day tomorrow maybe I’ll finish it then. It’s looking better each time.

A little more done
I cut back the Tansy
All the way across
This part not done yet.

September 4 – Tell about your school year calendar. “The superintendent of the Indiana County Schools sent or brought one to the school. The teacher would make copies to send to each household of her (or his) pupils.”

Today is one year (Sunday of Labor Day Weekend, but it was actually September 5th) that Byron did the service and we said our farewells to Mom. I’ve thought about her a lot this weekend!

Byron leading our celebration of Mom’s life.
Mom looking ‘saucy’ in her hat!

Calendar inspiration – Working with others will bring sweet rewards for all.

Quote – from church this morning:

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Leave a positive mark; not a scar…

Scripture –

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Random Photo –

This team of horses work together!

TOMORROW September 5th is:

Well – those all sound fine. It’s very easy to be late for something – or everything. And I can always eat pizza! Not sure if we should celebrate Labor Day by NOT doing work or by doing our work WELL! Anyway, hope it’s a fun day. God bless…

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White rabbit – Alice in Wonderland
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