Labor Day 2022

I slept much better last night, but there was at least one major, compelling reason for that. I had just finished supper at a little before 8pm when a long-time friend called me. We see each other across the room at functions but seldom get together to chat or catch up. Well, we made up for that last night. It was well after midnight when we hung up, but there’s not many topics we didn’t cover! Some serious, some making us laugh, some shared interests. It was nice to catch up but I don’t think I EVER spent 4 1/2 hours on the phone at once in my life!

Yep – 4 hours and 23 minutes!!!

Despite the questionable weather (rain), Deb, Kath and I donned raincoats, umbrellas and suitable wet-weather clothing and headed to the Pennsylvania Arts and Craft fair at the Westmoreland Fair Grounds. It was not crowded; the rain was gentle and it was warm, so we were fine.

Rainy mountain view
I think Deb was trying to hide behind her umbrella!

We enjoyed looking at everything, had lunch there, and each made a purchase of some sort. I bought one of my favorite things (second to blankets!) and also a tiny baby rubber duckie. My writer friend has one and when she goes on trips she take a picture of it in documenting her travels. I’m excited to have this little guy (or gal!) and will have to pick a cute name.

Coaster – with a cow, barn, AND scripture. Kath found it!
Rubber Duckie, reading a book!

My favorite display was Silvis Landscaping. They are at all the local fairs and festivals, and their waterfall features are wonderful. That would be a pipe-dream for me. But we had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed being together – we made our own sunshine!

If you look closely, the water fall starts above the bridge. I love it!
Me in my natural habitat….

I’m not sure where the afternoon went – except that I did spend several hours cooking (which is NOT my thing!). I made zucchini casserole and mixed up scones to bake tomorrow. The casserole is done so I’ll have some for supper once I finish posting this. Tomorrow is back to the regular routines – but only a four day week! 🙂 That means two work days for me so I’m happy.

Z Casserole – just add cheese!

September 5 – Tell about a school bully. “Blain Cunningham was always the one all us girls disliked the most. He was just plain mean & hateful.”

Calendar inspiration – Autumn offers a rich harvest of flavors. Enjoy old favorites and sample new ones.

Quote –

Image result for Funny Quotes About Trying Something New
See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random Photo –

Brand new baby – my first granddaughter Autmn Rose

TOMORROW September 6th is:

I actually have chocolate mocha ice cream here now. I’m not a fan but it’s ok. And OF COURSE I’ll read a book. When don’t I? Have a happy, short week. God bless…

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