September 3, 2022

I accomplished everything on my list today but none of it is actually post-worthy. I changed and washed bed-sheets, studied my Sunday School Lesson and made some crafts for them. Wrote a review and posted for Liz’s book. Changed the Snoopy flag to one for the holiday. And I finally finished scoring the Flash Fiction stories and sent the results to Anita. The committee will discuss them when everyone has turned in scores. I concentrated on making that a priority in case Liz gets her NEXT book to me as a Beta reader – which means I read with complete concentration and without interruption! So THAT was my day – and it’s 9:00pm! I have LIVING BIG SKY (buying homes in Montana) on in the background.

Image result for Living Big Sky. Size: 196 x 121. Source:
Snoopy flag for Labor day weekend

Here is the review for Liz’s SECOND CHANCES AT BRAMBLEBERRY CREEK: Amber Lee watches her cousin Morgan Jo’s life fall into place.  Morgan knows what she wants to do, and who she wants to do it with, and what has to happen to make it work.  And Amber is ready to throw herself wholeheartedly into the family project.  But when Amber’s life takes an unwelcome turn, she even starts to question whether Morgan Jo can really make this project a success.  There are secrets and failures and incomplete entries in their grandfather’s diary that seem to thwart their every move forward.  Will Morgan and Amber be able to agree on what direction to take to make the winery a success?  Will they have to compromise or accept partial defeat to make it work?  Amber pushes past objections and even tests Morgan Jo’s determination, but finds that second chances aren’t just the only choice.  They are most often the best choice.  Elizabeth doesn’t just write the story; she writes the lives that you feel part of.  You live each choice, disappointment and success.  And who wouldn’t find happiness in Brambleberry Creek? (Posted on Amazon and B&N)

Title: Second Chances at Brambleberry Creek: A totally gripping, emotional and romantic page-turner, Author: Elizabeth Bromke

So, that’s it! Hopefully more exciting day tomorrow! Though, truthfully I was very content with my day. Didn’t get outside but hope to tomorrow. Here is a picture of the moon! That’s pretty cool!

September 3 – What do you remember about your first day of school? “I visited school so often when I was 5 years old that Miss Mary Marshall told Dad if I got vaccinated she would let me be with the first grade class. I learned to enjoy school that year. I don’t even remember my ‘first’ day of ‘real’ school.”

Calendar Inspiration – A kind word or cheerful song can brighten your day. Share that with others!

Quote – (My favorite!!!)

Image result for quotes about being kind

Scripture –

See the source image

Random photo –

A valentine gift sent in kindness! (2017)

TOMORROW September 4th is:

So tomorrow is KATHY’s day! If you see your – or another pastor’s wife – make sure you thank them for all they do! Have a great Sunday — God bless…

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