September 20, 2022

Rege and I had one of our typical morning conversations today. Barry comes in later since he’s still recovering, and Kevin is in Hawaii. So there was just the two of us. I did have several titles and a few other issues to deal with today. I txt Joe and he didn’t have anything — and anyway, he was off this morning. So I was home before 11am. I changed clothes and cut the grass, weed-whacked, used the outside blower, cut dead stalks, and pulled some weeds.

Pulled weeds and cut back some dead stalks
All cleaned up.
Snoopy presiding over the yard; Yellow flowers peeking up.

Mike P called and needed something done TODAY – so I got cleaned up about 2:30pm and ran over there. Since I was out and semi-sane, I drove over to L&L; haven’t been there in a few weeks. I found a cute little holiday board with a snowflake. And since I’m posting ‘new’ items, here is the magnet I got at the Flax Scutching (it sort of matches the cover picture of my Fields of Blue book!), and Beth gave me a star for my kitchen.

My L&L find
Flax magnet
Star from Beth

I talked to Teresa for a bit – we hadn’t talked since we went to Dan Rice Days the beginning of August. Her beloved cat passed away last Monday – she has her ‘remains’ in a beautiful wooden box with Zoomie’s paw prints on it. The vet’s office also made plaster of Paris prints of Zommie’s paws, too. Zoomie was almost 18 years old; that’s a great life for a cat.

May be a closeup of cat
Nice wooden box and Zoomie’s paw prints.

We also talked about her upcoming trip with WOMEN TRAVELING TOGETHER – she’s going to Charleston and Savannah. I sent her some notes about what we liked when we were down there last year, and a few pictures. This was one of our favorite tours!

Exchange & Provost Office – Bay Street

September 20 – Tell about your worst report card. “When I was sick for 3 weeks and didn’t get all the make-up school work completed. After I made up what was needed the teacher gave me my report card again with the grades filled in.” Three weeks is a lot of school to miss; that was a very compassionate teacher!

Calendar inspiration is from Peanuts today:

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random Photo –

From Charleston – we sat at the Beach Boys table!!! Be still, my heart!

TOMORROW September 21st is:

My friend Di likes Chai tea; Kathy loves pecan tassies. And I think New York is a pretty nice state. Have a great day whatever you celebrate! God bless…

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