September 19, 2022

Kelly left a little before 9am; I left for work after she left. I always hate to see my family leave. We enjoyed our time kid-free (but we DID miss the boys!). It’s very rare to have time together with just us. She brought my mums up (that I ordered) and was so excited that they survived her care! I’ll plant them when they are totally done blooming.

Mums – purple and ? Mystery color!

After work I went to the dentist to get my crown put on the implant. As you could almost expect – did not go well! Even through the tooth was tagged with the correct shade, it was not compatible with the other teeth! So now he has to re-order. I have the temporary one in and it will take some time to get used to. I haven’t had a tooth in that space for a pretty long time!

See the source image
Wait – wrong kind of crown!

So finally – Skunk Hollow Bonfire at Beth’s! It was such a wonderful evening. All ten of us were there. Harold built the fire and kept it going for a while, then we took over. He also took some pictures for us. It was sunny and comfortable for the first part of the evening, and we could sit around the table and eat and chat. We can cover any topic of conversation from fender-benders (poor Beth!) to health issues to politics (which we try to avoid!)

Fall wheelbarrow
Beautiful back yard
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Grandpa-Fresh-9-22.jpg
Grandpa Fresh waiting for the festivities to begin.
Harold starting the fire
Grandpa Fresh guarding the fire
Holly, Kathy, Karen O
Holly and Karen are sisters
Colleen, Beth, and Gwen
Colleen and Gwen are sisters
Connie and Karen V (sisters)
Uninvited guest!

There is always so much food. We had hot dogs (of course) and Harold heated sauerkraut inside on the stove for us. There was mountain pie fixings, and everything for some’mores. Crackers, chips, desserts, cider — M&M’s! Humus and carrots.

Time to eat!
Back to front:
Caren V, Colleen, Gwen
Closest –
Beth, Kathy, Gail, Connie
Karen O making her supper

When we had eaten our fill we moved over to the fire pit (but carried snack plates with us!). Once the sun went down it was much cooler, and we bundled in jackets and blankets. I read my essay on flowers (each SH girl was a different flower and I researched their characteristics!), and then we went around the circle and shared updates in our lives and families. It was about 10:30pm when things broke up. The hour drive home was comfortable, as Kathy and I could chat and relive the evening as the moon followed us all the way. Love these girls, and so blessed to have them in my life and share precious time with each other. Already looking forward to the Christmas event at Colleen’s!

Beth, me, Holly
Me, Holly, Karen O, Gail, Harold
Karen O and Gail
Grandpa Fresh
Kathy and Colleen
Connie, Gwen, Kath
May be an image of 1 person, child, sitting, tree and outdoors
Karen V keeping warm.
Beth, Gwen, Marge, Gail, Karen V, Holly, Karen O, Colleen, Connie, Kathy

September 19 – If you were ever in a fight, tell about it. “I would fight with my sister Hazel. Dad made us put on Jim’s boxing gloves & fight each other until we decided we didn’t like to fight anymore.” Sounds effective to me!

Calendar inspiration – By helping others achieve their goals, we often achieve our own goals as well.

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random Photo –

Fall in Colonial Williamsburg 2020
(website photo)

TOMORROW September 20th is:

Well, we had pepperoni pizza both Sunday and Monday – so I’ll just REMEMBER it! Other than work, tomorrow holds no obligations! How cool is THAT!!! Have a blessed day…

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