Gen made breakfast, and we had time to catch up and have tea together. I left for work and she swept up for me (Rainy sheds!), packed up and headed home. I got a txt message that she arrived home safe and sound, and was looking forward to sitting on the deck with a glass of wine to watch the full moon.
Autmn sent me a txt that today is national Queso day – and sent me a photo. So if you are in the area of Bull River Taco in White Oak stop in and get Queso – and say hello to Autmn and her family!

I stopped on the way home today and finally picked out the paint for the trim on the house and shed. I thought I had made up my mind, until I started looking at the paint color chips again. But now it’s purchased – no going back! I think if the weather cooperates this weekend it will all get done. That will be a job well done and much needed – and long delayed! Big thanks to Nate (and Chrissy) for their help!

When I was walking up for the mail I noticed that there was a bloom on my azalai bush. I don’t think that was supposed to happen…

A quote from the book: January 12. What did your father do for a living? My father went to Greensburg & worked for a wealthy family as their chauffeur. He went into the army & fought in WWI. He was gassed with mustard gas and wasn’t healthy after that. He bought a farm along with Uncle Edd. Besides the farm work he worked at a big feed mill where they ground grain & made flour & also animal feed. He later did road work for South Mahoning Twp. He never applied for a vetrans pension. He was eligable. (Reminder – copying word for word).

On this day in 1881 Chester A Arthur was sworn in as 21st president; in 1952 the Jackie Gleason show debuted. My dad was frequently mistaken for Jackie Gleason. We loved the show, and the Honeymooners – ‘to the moon, Alice! To the moon!’ The British Liner Queen Elizabeth II was launched in 1967. And in 1984 the Cosby Show premiered; in 1985 Walt Disney World had their 200-millionth guest. Jacob Grimm – Grimm’s Fairy Tales) died at age 78 in 1863, and Jim Croce died in a plane crash in 1973 at age 30. Sophia Loren was born in 1934 and three friends have birthdays today. One is from Hempfield Church – Brandon Yeager. He’s also a realtor that does a great job upgrading and selling homes in the area (House Rock Realty) – check him out, and Happy Birthday, Brandon. Another is a writer, and a very good writer, as well, from Seton Hill’s Master’s program – Katy Doran. Have a wonderful celebration, Katy! And it’s also Abby Lea Gurnee’s birthday – she and Byron purchased the Farm from us in August. She’s a wonderful wife, mother, worker, friend, and as Byron will attest, a fabulous cook! Happy Birthday, Abby! God bless!

TOMORROW September 21 is:
My agenda for tomorrow includes work in the morning and grass-cutting in the afternoon. Do something fun – God Bless!
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