It was a beautiful day, all around. It was cooler this morning but sunny and bright all afternoon. The moon is round and bright and full (officially or not!).

We had fun in Sunday School. Max decided he was going to teach the lesson and thanked me for letting him sit in my chair. I asked what the lesson was and he said, “God is love.” I agreed that was the best lesson ever! Then they made headbands that said ‘peacemaker’ – we are still learning about Nehemiah, who had to settle some disputes. Mary bought them super hero masks so they were superhero peacemakers. They had a good day.

About 2pm I drove down to Legion Keener Park in Latrobe to attend a going away party for Janet, Kyle, Anaya, Josiah and Noah Drown (youth minister and family). I intended to stay only about an hour, but there were so many people there I seldom see that I ended up staying for 4 hours! It was a great time – good food, great friends, and perfect weather. What a joyous blessing! Talked to a former co-worker, and we ultimately decided that there WAS quality life after Smail’s! Who knew???

God’s blessings in Iowa!
Gen and I took Rainy for a short walk around the block, then had fruit, crackers, and cheese for a snack with a mug of hot cider (I bought that at the festival yesterday. It’s absolutely the best there is!) Rainy wasn’t sure she was ready for bed and kept coming back downstairs to lay on my rug. I finally walked her up and she willingly got in her bed.

Mom’s journal page is from February 20th – What do you remember as your least favorite school subject? “I just couldn’t remember my geography. I love learning about places all over the United States and have a world globe. I look places up that they tell about on television & in the newspaper. The subject that was called “English” was my least favorite subject. I still have trouble writing my sentence so it conveys my thoughts.

On this day in 1676 – Bacon’s rebellion: Nathaniel Bacon and a group of settlers burned down Jamestown and overthrew Virginia governor. Adventures of Superman TV series premiered in 1952; in 1960 Chubby Checker’s ‘The Twist’ hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100. In 1970 Mary Tyler Moore show debuted. Twiggy (Actress/icon) was born in 1949; Mama Cass Elliott in 1941. Trisha Yearwood in 1964. James A Garfield – 20th president – died at age 49 in 1881, and Orville Redenbacher – popcorn magnate (88) – died in 1995 by drowning in his bathtub. In 1945 Shirley Temple married John Agar, and Angelina Jolie field for divorce from Brad Pitt in 2016. And happy 6th anniversary to Josiah and Olivia Lenzi (SH Cousin Holly’s daughter and son-in-law). Congrats – and many, many more!

TOMORROW September 20 is:
- National Care for Kids Day *
- National Fried Rice Day
- National Pepperoni Pizza Day
- National Punch Day
- National String Cheese Day
String cheese is actually on my grocery list. Hmmm! I could use a pepperoni Pizza. I drove past Jioio’s today and almost pulled in there to order a pizza! Have a happy Monday and a great week! God bless…
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