I have been overwhelmed by the comments from so many people. People who knew Mom intimately, people who knew her casually, and people who knew almost nothing about her. And people she never even met. You all have been such a blessing these last months, and especially these last two days. Her life touched more lives than any of us will ever comprehend. What a wonderful blessing she has been to so many, and to Kathy and I especially. We love the verse: Her children rise up and call her blessed. And we do.
I can’t image how I can express to everyone how much their thoughts, messages, prayers, cards, emails, posts, texts, calls, and notes have meant. I cannot begin to respond to each of you with what is on my heart. Thank you all. Thank you.
If any of you know me well, you know that I am not good with disruption to my schedule and routine! Well, these last days have shot that schedule all to pieces. WHAT routine? Yikes! I even miss going to work! I haven’t looked at ‘today in history’ or any national holidays since Tuesday. Hoping you are all coping without those vital statistics! 🙂 Kath and I have been busy with everyday, necessary tasks (I cut the grass this morning so I wouldn’t get lost when I went for the mail….), keeping the family in the loop of plans, and figuring out what those plans might be.

For those of you who do not yet know, the services for Mom will be on Sunday, September 5th, at Kepple-Graft Funeral Home – 524 N Main St Greensburg. Visitation is from 2-4, with the service, conducted by Byron Gurnee (her pastor from Albion) at 4pm. There will be no grave-side service. We’d love to have you join us in honoring her life and her memory.

We picked up her belongings after making arrangements at the funeral home, then went through them. Kathy and Paul were watching Millie while her parents worked, so she helped go through the boxes. She was very good at redistribution, and I found a stowaway (pink button down sweater, size TOO SMALL!) in the box of blankets I was bringing home to wash. But she was having fun, and found herself two balloons and a pretty spiffy hat to wear!

I need to grab something small to eat (it’s after 9pm) so I’m going to close with a quote from the memory book. If you ever had a hero, tell who; tell why: “I think Rev. Russell Wilson from the Church of God. He was a young man and went in the army as a chaplin. He wrote to Hazel, Jim and me.”

Have a happy Friday. God bless…
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