Took an early walk, but it was drizzling on and off. It was a strange weather day – cloudy, then a downpour, then sunny. Mix and repeat. I was inside cleaning all day, but did manage to paint the door frame downstairs in the family room during a sunny spell. Just the white trim; it’s needed it for a long time.

Here’s a post from the memory book: May 10, 11, and 12. Name some popular hit songs from your youth. ” 1) People will say we’re in Love 2) Eddy Arnolds song – I’ll hold you in my heart, til I can hold you in my arms. 3) Slow boat to China.” 11th – What was your favorite singing group or band? “Roy Rogers and son’s of the Pioneers.” 12th – Tell a favorite singer and a song that he/she sang? “Frank Sinatra was the # one singer when I was a teenager.” Eddy Arnold was a favorite of mine, too. I have several of his albums, still, including a Christmas one.

I went out to the Bible study tonight at HCC – it’s a study of Angels based on a book by Dr. David Jeremiah. We sort of had an introduction tonight, and talked about the different kinds of angels and what their purpose might be. There are scriptures that talk about examples of their missions, and Wayne also had some statistics about what people believe about angels in general. Here are some of what they might do: 1) Serve believers 2) Protect 3) Guide 4) Encourage 5) Deliver 6) Enlighten. We also talked about encounters with angels. I’m excited to continue the series.

On this day in 1962 Confederates conquered the Union weapon arsenal at Harpers Ferry WV; in 1916 first use of tanks in warfare. In 1928 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin while studying influenza, and in 1949 the Lone Ranger (Hi, Ho, Silver! Away!) premiered. COLUMBO series debuted in 1971. Marco Polo was born in 1254 (I wonder if he actually invented the game…). Agatha Christy in 1890, and Prince Harry (Prince of Wales) in 1984. In 1794 our 4th president, James Madison, married Dolley.

TOMORROW September 16 is:
- National Play-Doh Day
- National Cinnamon Raisin Bread Day
- National Guacamole Day
- National Step Family Day
- National Working Parents Day
- Mayflower Day
- National Pawpaw Day
I have three lists already to do tomorrow. I’ll let you know how it goes! Have a happy Thursday! God bless…
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