Today was a pretty mundane day. Not that I mind. It’s nice to have a non-chaotic day once in a while. I did take a brisk walk this morning, worked in Jeannette, then had a meeting at Hanna’s Town for the Tea in October. I enjoy the ladies that volunteer out there and like being involved in the programs that I can. The tea is October 9th – it’s on my list! I will be a scullery maid – all day!

I spent the afternoon (after a lunch of Quaker Oats!) writing out cards and composing emails. I made a quick trip over to Target to get Fall M&M’s – I stocked up because I usually take them to events and I have several this fall. All set now, and they were on sale, so that was a bonus. Also got an email from an author friend that her book release date is September 28th – so I pre-ordered the book and am excited to read it. I’ve known Lee since about 1998 – she was the director of the Master’s program I attended at Seton Hill, and we because friends, as well. Congrats, Lee!

I still have to iron, and grab a bite of supper, so I’ll leave you with a quote from Mom’s book: February 25th – Tell of a place that you discovered or built as a “haven” for your gang. “We didn’t have many close neighbors so “no gang” could be formed. When we did have a chance to get together we liked to go to the Ravaih house. It was called the haunted house & we liked to go & look for ghosts.” So she liked ghosts, but not vampires! You go, Mom!

On this day in 1814 Francis Scott Key penned the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ while witnessing the bombardment of Ft McHenry from a ship in Baltimore Harbor. In 1901 Theodore Roosevelt was sworn in as the youngest (42) man to service as US President. In 1938 the Graf-Zeppelin II- world’s largest airship – made its maiden flight. Aaron Burr – 3rd Vice President – died at age 80 in 1836. William McKinley, 25th president, died in 1901 at age 58 having been shot 8 days earlier. In 1982 Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco, died at age 52 in a car crash. Patrick Swayze, actor/dancer, died in 2009 at age 57. Clayton Moore (Lone Ranger) was born in 1914, and my Skunk Hollow cousin, Susan Crooks, would have celebrated a birthday today. We miss you, Susan!

Fun day!
TOMORROW September 15 is:
- National Cheese Toast Day
- National Linguine Day
- National Felt Hat Day
- National Double Cheeseburger Day
- National Creme de Menthe Day
- National Tackle Kids Cancer Day
- National Neonatal Nurses Day
- National Online Learning Day
- Greenpeace Day
Tomorrow is ‘clean the house’ day. Then I plan to go to a Bible Study at the church about Angels. It sounds so interesting to me! So that’s the plan. God bless!
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