September 12, 2024

Yesterday when I went for my test the city was tearing down the old parking garage. It was condemned a few years ago, and they can’t move forward with any new projects until that building is gone. It was amazing to see all the equipment and huge chunks of concrete being thrown over the side. But — on to today.

Dr. Tammy had FAXed a request for me to be excused from Jury duty today, because of the disruption of the cough and everything that went with it. They don’t notify you if they accepted your requests so I had to prepare for the day and get up there and park (no easy feat sometimes!). When I checked in they sent me across the hall and pulled up my record and told me kindly (yes, really!) that I was excused. I was so relieved. I am very tired of dealing with this cough, and avoid situations (when I can) that put me in a public situation. I was very thankful.

At the courthouse at 8am

I stopped at work and handled two titles, then came home. I just took my time doing my chores. I told Kelly I would try to make cookies (which I did, but not my best offering). I also mixed up scones to bake in the morning. Kelly loves scones and we were all out and she’ll be up all weekend.

One out of three containers that I froze.
Scones to bake in the morning

By late afternoon it was cooler and the back yard was in the shade, so I pulled the dead morning glories off the fence. It’s a tedious job, but once they die off and turn ugly yellow and brown they need to come down. It’s not a bad job to do because I don’t have to climb around in the plants or weeds.

Morning glories blooming.
Droopy and faded.
Half done
All done.

Tomorrow I will get ready for the weekend and Kelly’s visit. Also need to pick up some food. And do some laundry. But I have the whole day and can space things out.

This weekend.

My blessing today was not having to disrupt a jury trial with my coughing!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

TOMORROW September 13th is:

Bald is Beautiful Day (?); Defy Superstition Day; International Chocolate Day; National Blame Someone Else Day; National Doodle Day; National Hug Your Boss Day; National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day; National Peanut Day (not the Snoopy gang Peanuts. The food!); Positive Thinking Day; Supernatural Day; Uncle Sam Day; National Toast Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Test Day. Tomorrow I’ll go for the Chocolate. I hate to blame anyone for anything. I’d for sure hug my bosses if I was working tomorrow. I am trying very hard to think positive about getting to the bottom of this ailment! Uncle Sam day reminds me of Dan Rice. Tomorrow is also Matt’s birthday!! Have a happy Friday. God bless…

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