September 13, 2024

Happy birthday Matt! I know Matt, Logan, Chase, Ma, Kim and Greg are at the Pirate game tonight. Kelly is here. So here’s hoping the Pirates bring home a win in honor of Matt’s exciting day!

The view from their seats.

I baked the scones and had a warm one for breakfast, then went outside and started organizing for the weekend. I got the garden cart and scrubbed it – that will be perfect to haul things from the car to our table at the festival. Then I loaded everything but the cooler into the car. So we’re set for tomorrow.

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Back seat

I needed to get some groceries, so while I was out I stopped at Pinnacle and made copies of two of the word games for the kids’ table. Also got a mum at Aldi.

I like this color.

Then I stopped at McDonalds and got a chocolate milkshake because I missed the ‘National’ day yesterday. I ordered a small chocolate milkshake with no whipped cream or cherry. I got handed a shake with whipped cream… So I told her to just spoon it off and I’d drink it. I got in the car and was half-way to Walmart when I realized it was vanilla. Ugh. And they are not cheap these days!

My not-so-chocolate milkshake.

Kelly was pulling in just as I finished getting organized. She needed something from the Dollar Tree that their store didn’t have, so we went over there. We made sliders, French fries, and Aunt Joan’s corn for supper, and now I am posting this and she is working on a project.

Kelly’s big purchase…

My friend Teresa is in London with her Women Traveling Together group – they are headed to Scotland for 10 days or so. She sent me two pictures so far.

Teresa in London with her pigeon friends.
Not sure who this statue is…

My blessing today is having Kelly here for the whole weekend!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

Snoopy Wisdom For Life!. There are comic & children's books that… | by  Astrid-Vera Schaffner | Medium

TOMORROW September 14th is:

National Parents Day Off; Drive your Studebaker Day; Farmers’ Consumer Awareness Day; Free Dental Day; German Language Day; Gobstopper Day; National Coloring Day; National Cream Filled Donut Day; National Eat A Hoagie Day; National Sober Day; National Moth Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Toast Day. Tomorrow, if you’re a parent, just TRY to take the day off! We’ll have the kids coloring tomorrow to celebrate. God bless…

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