September 11, 2024

The big question of the day would be — where were you when the planes went into the Twin Towers, and Flight 93 crashed in Shanksville? I was at work, and my friend Donna came into the office and said a plane flew into one of the towers. It wasn’t until the second one crashed that we realized something enormous was happening. After the plane crashed in Shanksville, it got eerily quiet. Route 30 was almost empty except for dozens of emergency vehicles racing toward the mountain. I walked outside to go next door and there wasn’t a plane or the sound of one in sight.

At work….

And by the way, if you have never visited the Flight 93 Memorial you really should. You walk away from there a changed person.

Kelly was working at Troutmans and she came down to be in the office with us. I think everyone I talked to had called their mom. Everyone just wondered what would be next. It was a horror to think about, and I slipped upstairs to the executive conference room to watch the TV up there whenever I could. The coverage shook everyone to the bone. How thankful I am for the relative peace and calm in which we are currently living. It’s certainly not perfect, but it’s America!

Will we ever forget that image?

So, today I spent the morning cleaning the upstairs, then went for my pulmonary challenge test. I knew it would be stressful because I already had issues catching my breath when I coughed (which is frequent!). The first thing the tech did was do a base-line test to get my breathing numbers without medication or restriction. They were too low! The test is too risky if the numbers are below a certain level. She called the pulmonologist who confirmed that I couldn’t have the test. That just means that I probably am already experiencing what they were trying to see if I had! But now we need to decide if I should have other tests, different meds, or which way to go…

I came home and cleaned the rest of the house and did a load of towels. Nate stopped over a bit and it was good to have an unhurried visit from him. I called the Jury ‘hotline’ and there were no jurors excused – so I have to report in the morning. I can see me coughing and choking and gasping for air in the middle of a trial! Hopefully they will let me leave if I explain – I’ve heard they do that. (I do have a letter from my doctor…)


I was sitting here typing and a United Healthcare commercial came on. The background music was Wouldn’t it be Nice. A little ray of sunshine in a crazy day!

My blessing today – despite the obvious down side – was that I did NOT have to have that stressful breathing challenge test!

PEANUTS Thought for the Day:

Wisdom from the Peanuts Cartoon Characters - Melanie Redd
I’m trying to remember that!

TOMORROW September 12th is:

Are You OK Day; National Chocolate Milkshake Day; National Day of Encouragement; National Police Woman Day; National School Picture Day; National Test Day; National Video Game Day; National Hug and High 5 Day; National Just One Human Family Day.

Yesterday’s fake day was National Cricket Day. Tomorrow? I’m ALL ABOUT the Chocolate Milkshake! Encouragement is always great, and I appreciate people being so supportive with all my crazy issues this summer. Chase will (of COURSE) celebrate video games, and we should all share a hug! God bless…

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