Started the day with fresh sheets and French toast. Did laundry then went out to finish putting the decks back together. I was able to put the reflective house numbers on my front post.

I decided to put my little welcome plaque in the back on the railing. I didn’t get the nail in straight. I may have to get Nate to fix that later. I don’t want to snag my clothes or hands on the nail and do damage. But I like where it is!

Also put different purple lights on the back. I won’t know how I’ll like those until it’s dark and I see them lit. You can just barely see them on the lower part of the board on the top deck. They are cluster lights – three grouped together.

Must be a work day in the neighborhood. The neighbor below me (while mowing his grass) was having his driveway sealed, while the guy beside him is having a new pool installed. I wonder if he’ll fill it for the winter or just have it installed? Hmmm (Gladys Kravitz on the job…)

I cut the grass, folded laundry, then started this. I am posting early since I am ushering for Bear tonight and will be late getting home. I’ll fill in the blanks tomorrow! For now I think I’ll go make soup….

October 8 – Did you have to earn it? (allowance) “We always had our work to do whether we got any money or not. It was the way farm & country kids were taught.”

Calendar inspiration – Never fear the darkness – guiding lights will shine to show you the way. (God’s like that!!!)

Quote –

Scripture –

Random Photo –

TOMORROW October 9th is:
- National Leif Erikson Day
- National Moldy Cheese Day
- National Pro-Life Cupcake Day
- PANS/PANDAS Awareness Day
- Clergy Appreciation Day
Make certain that your pastor/minister/clergy know you appreciate them! I’ve never seen a pro-life cupcake but I have seen moldy cheese. In fact, it’s a possibility I have some! 🙂 Have a wonderful day and God bless…
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