Today was a school tour at Hanna’s Town – I was there from a little after 9am until a little after 2pm. There were almost 150 kids and staff; a very big group of 5th graders! They were very good, very well behaved, and seemed to take in the information about tin punch and being a tin smith back in early Hanna’s Town days. They were all excited to take their finished pictures home.

We only had one break – a short one for lunch – but afterwards I walked around and did take a few pictures. We also cut bouquets to bring home (with permission, of course). As the day went on, it got more gloomy and rainy, but it did not dampen anyone’s spirits. I think, though, that yesterday was the warmest day this week!

I put a few of the furniture pieces back on the freshly-stained decks. I’m so excited with the way it all turned out – I hate to put anything back on. I’m re-thinking everything…

October 7 -What allowance did you get? “When I was 15 and went to high school I got 10 cents a week.” I wonder what she spent it on???
Calendar inspiration – Each day is all about balance between work and play.

Quote –

Scripture –

Random Photo –

TOMORROW October 8th is:
- American Touch Tag Day
- International Off-Road Day
- National Fluffernutter Day
- National Hero Day
- National Pierogi Day
- National Chess Day
- National Costume Swap Day
- National Motorcycle Ride Day
- I Love Yarn Day
Do you have a hero? I have many people that I admire and respect but not sure if I have a personal hero. Maybe the closest I would come would be Patty Buschek and Greg Pelc. And Grama Crooks. I admire their life choices and their witness! And their unwavering faith. I did ride a motorcycle with Roger for a while; my daughter loves yarn! That’s as exciting as it gets. Have a happy Saturday! God bless…

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