October 9, 2022

Well, let’s see. This has been a hodge-podge of a day – lots of little chores! First, we had NO STUDENTS in our Sunday School class – the class regular student was at Sight and Sound with his family. So that’s an excusable absence!

Sight and Sound – Lancaster

Mary and I used our time wisely. We made booklets about creation for the class, and copied then cut out some of the pictures for in their books. We don’t often have time to work together on projects so this was a blessing for us, too.

See the source image
Next week we will teach day 1 and day 2 – can’t skip a day!

Todd’s message was again very good – it always feels like he’s preaching right to me! Here are a few key points: You are blessed so you can BE a blessing to others – make a difference in someone’s life. We are to be salt and light; salt was precious and valuable – the word solarium was used for payment, which was made in issues of salt. Our word salary comes from that. Light doesn’t mean anything unless there is darkness – shine your light in the dark world, just like Jesus is our light. WE are the salt and light!


I came home to my long list and after lunch of cauliflower and garlic toast I started working on it. I changed out a bad extension cord; took the dehumidifier to the shed. SCRUBBED the car windows. Sent several emails and started an Amazon order (didn’t send it yet). I spilled tea on my Snoopy church bag so I scrubbed that and hung it out to dry. Fixed the lights in my indoor lantern from battery to electric. Printed out my bank statement and will balance the checkbook after supper. Still have 3 chapters to read in my Psalms and Proverbs reading plan.

All images
Bible study

Took a half an hour and went for a walk. A few fun decorations in the neighborhood since last walk.

Fall is falling – pretty!
Baby bunny who lives under the deck.
Wonder how much mail he gets?
Happy ghosts dancing around the tree!
This big guy is REALLY ugly – and when I drove past in the dark last night his face and chest were glowing fire! Ugh!

Saw this on my way to the theater – looks like Word of Life church has a new greeter…

Oh, deer!

Last night’s play was REALLY funny! I was SO glad I stayed. It was just that: Play that goes wrong. Anything wrong that could happen did happen, and the whole theater crowd laughed the entire time. It was family friendly which always makes it more fun for my taste!

Greensburg Civic Theatre's 'Play That Goes Wrong' promises big laughs
Actors were VERY funny!
Moon outside the theater last night before the play.

October 9 – What was your most prized possession as a child? “My little ‘bank’ that looked like a dome trunk. It had a key that would open a small door so we could shake the dimes, pennies and nickels out and count how much we had saved.”

Calendar inspiration – Peanuts:

Quote –

See the source image

Scripture –

See the source image

Random Photo –

A happy picture

TOMORROW October  10th is:

I am celebrating Columbus Day with a doctor’s appointment! I doubt I’ll kick any butts or decorate (or even eat!) any cake, but I MAY take a walk in a park. Whatever you do – if you have a day off or not – have a great day. God bless…

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