I was up, showered and dressed before 7am this morning. Had my notary task done and was starting breakfast by 7:40. The up side of getting up early was the beautiful sky!

Only had one thing to do in Jeannette, other than switch cars. I love this Encore! Sigh…. It’s so comfortable, smaller, easy to drive. I did, however, leave my EZPass in the other car. Rege sent me a picture! I’ll get it Monday – no plans to travel over the weekend outside of town.

I was just finishing up in Jeannette when The Paint Guy txt me that they were at my house. I swung back over on the way to Greensburg and we went over everything. It looks SO GOOD! I was having nervous second thoughts about changing the color from neutral to darker gray – but wow, it’s a great choice. Even the PG agreed! I left the project in good hands and went to Greensburg, stopping on the way to put gas in the car. When I got home at 1pm they were about done with the first coat.

I felt trapped – I couldn’t go out any door because they were painting something everywhere! But it’s 4:15pm and other than touchup they are finished and cleaning up. I’m very pleased. They even did the trim boards under the steps and the flower box on the deck. Bonus! The garage door looks amazing. And they are really nice guys. If you are local and need painting – inside or out – I’ll be glad to share their contact information.

After a quick lunch I cut up the two green peppers I had, and will make Stuffed Pepper Soup at some point this weekend. I have some writing to do and emails to answer and that should be my night.

Today is my cousin Deb and her husband Jim’s wedding anniversary. Many more happy years!!! Blessings to you both!

October 6 – If you ever played in the leaves, tell about it. “When you brought Kelly & Nate to our Greensburg house we would rake the leaves from the maple trees in the front yard. We all took our turn at being covered up by the leaves.”

Calendar Inspiration – Peanuts today!



Random Photo-

TOMORROW October 7th is:
- World College Radio Day
- National Chocolate Covered Pretzel Day
- National Frappe Day
- National Inner Beauty Day
- National LED Light Day
- National Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness Day
- National Manufacturing Day
- National Body Language Day
- World Smile Day
We can all share a smile. And I have chocolate covered pretzels in my freezer. Tomorrow is a huge school tour at Hanna’s Town and I will be there from 9:45 to almost 2pm. That will be a full day! Enjoy what you do. God bless…
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