I was up a little early this morning – got ready, had breakfast, and left for Latrobe. I was still looking for Kelly’s mugs, but no local Walmart has any left. Bummer. I did find a cute little black pumpkin for my kitchen.

From there I drove over to Janet & Kyle’s house, and together we got started on packing up her kitchen. You never realize how much ‘stuff’ you have until you start emptying cupboards and drawers! We spent all day packing boxes, until we ran out of bubble wrap and almost ran out of tape. We ate a quick lunch, did a quick video tour of their new house in Iowa, then ran up to Walmart for supplies. We just finished the last box for the kitchen when we had to quit – time for Janet to pick up the kids from school. We worked steadily all day and can call it a job well done. I headed home, got a shower, started laundry, and now am posting this. Next thing is to grab dinner.

I heard this quote yesterday and it really resonated with me: You can never heal your heart by going back to what broke it. Think about that…

Quote from the memory book: March 25th – Did you ever need stitches? “I should have had my lower lip stiched when I fell from the hay loft & hit the barn floor on my face. My lower teeth cut clear through my lip. Stitches, back then, were for ‘serious injury’s’.”

I’m listening to Micah from Old Mahoning and he just made a statement that I hadn’t focused on before. We are excited about the Good News of the Gospel. but it wouldn’t be good news if there wasn’t bad news: Sin! Think about that, too… And he also quoted one of my favorite verses: I Corinthians 2:9. Look it up!

On this day in 1777 General George Washington’s troops were defeated by the British at Germantown PA; the carving of Mount Rushmore began in 1927. In 1957 Leave it to Beaver debuted, and Dennis the Menace in 1959. In 1976 Barbara Walters became the first woman co-anchor of a TV Evening News program. 90210 premiered in 1990, and ‘Breathe’ was released by Faith Hill in 1999. Rutherford B Hayes – 19th president – was born in 1822; Charlton Heston (actor – The Ten Commandments) in 1923, and author Anne Rice in 1941. Janis Joplin died at age 27 of a drug overdose in 1970, and Rembrandt (Dutch painter) in 1669 at age 63. The racehorse Secretariat died at age 19 in 1989.

Today is also the day that Snoopy first appeared in a comic strip.

TOMORROW October 5 is:
- National Get Funky Day
- National Rhode Island Day
- National Do Something Nice Day
- National Apple Betty Day
- National Eat Fruit At Work Day
I encourage you to DO SOMETHING NICE tomorrow. Hold yourself accountable to make it a habit!
BTW: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”
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