I love my new chair. Sigh….
Also loved teaching the SS class about Esther. Part one of five. They were good listeners this morning.

After church I drove straight up to Dilltown, specifically the Dillweed Bed and Breakfast. I kept seeing posts on facebook about the trail shop and the fall decorations and felt it would be a nice refresher. I purchased a few fall (and a few generic) coasters, and finally got a necklace made from an old typewriter key. It says ‘Margin Release’. My margins definitely need released. And having the old typewriter helped me decide.

I took a walk going west for a mile all around, then came back and did the same going east. I seemed to be drawn to the water. Roger always loved sitting near the water, but I’m not a sitter! I take pictures, enjoy, and keep moving! Found a nice fall display by a driveway, a pretty leave on the trail, and a wooly worm that predicts the winter (actually saw about 5 of them!). Problem is I don’t know how to read the prediction!

I got back to the Trail Shop and bought a chicken salad sandwich; went across the road and sat in the pavilion to eat it. Very delicious. Left there about 3pm and drove home. Made stops at 3 different Walmart stores and still didn’t find the mugs that Kelly was looking for. But now I’m listening to a movie that I watched last night and really enjoyed – very different for a Hallmark movie: Love Strikes Twice. I recommend it!

Even though it was cloudy, I got two quick photos going down the mountain on the trip home. I may need to go back on a sunny day.

I wanted to post a photo of the tiny bowl and pitcher that Beth gave me. It’s white with purple flowers and sits on the new cupboard beside the candle-light. Perfect spot for a perfect gift from a perfect friend-zin (cousin-friend).

Memory book: March 1st. Tell about being in a school play or program. “Our cousin Dora Burns was the music teacher & put on spring plays. I sang in the chorus. I still remember some of the songs when I hear them today. Mostly patriotic songs since we were at war at that time of my life.”

On this day in 1789 George Washington declared November 26th as a day of general thanksgiving. It was the first US National Holiday. In 1849 Edgar Allen Poe was found delirious in a gutter in Maryland, and in 1863 Abraham Lincoln designated the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day. In 1913 Federal Income Tax was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson, and in 1945 Elvis made his first public appearance at age 10. In 1952 Ozzie & Harriet premiered, which (of course) starred Ricky Nelson. Heart Throb!!! In 1955 the Mickey Mouse Club & Captain Kangaroo both premiered, and in 1960 the Andy Griffith Show debuted. In 1961 both the Dick Van Dyke Show and Mr. Ed (Bud’s favorite show!) premiered. In 1995 OJ Simpson was found Not Guilty… Chubby Checker was born in 1941, James Harriot (All Creatures Great and Small) in 1916, and Gwen Stefani-Sheldon in 1969. St. Francis of Assisi died at age 44 in 1226, and Myles Standish (Plymouth Colony leader) at 72 in 1656. Barack & Michelle Obama married in 1992. My friend Ginny Buzzard has a birthday today (I don’t have a picture of her! How can that even HAPPEN???), and my dear New York friend Gen married her high-school sweetheart Zane Morris on this date. Happy birthday, Ginny, and I’m thinking of you, Gen, on this special day of wonderful memories! Love both of you ladies!

TOMORROW October 4th is:
- National Cinnamon Bun Day
- National Taco Day
- National Golf Lover’s Day
- National Vodka Day
- National Consignment Day
- National Child Health Day
Tomorrow I am helping Janet and Kyle pack up their kitchen for the Iowa move. I’m ready! I’m so used to packing and unpacking stuff it’ll be a breeze…. Have a cinnamon bun, a taco (at Bull River Taco, of course!!), but no Vodka! Try a Diet Pepsi… God bless!
Thanks for remembering my anniversary! Would have been 50 years…had a quiet day apart with a new to us hiking spot and went to start the car and had a dead battery! Plans change…
Yes, the best laid plans. And 50 years! I was trying to figure out what year you were married. I actually didn’t think we were that old. I’m thinking about you all week! Enjoy the fall – hope you are having nice weather. Love you!
Hi Marge – it’s 9:03 and I’m just eating dinner now! That’s your style. Saturday was a glorious day, but since Sunday morning we’ve had rain, rain, rain.
Lots of fall tasks here at home as well as for clients. I hope we both have a “Rip Van Winkle” night of rest!
Nate is painting the purple trim on the house and shed — Teresa and I are going on a ‘zoo’ walk in the morning. Kelly & boys coming Thur/Fri. Hanna’s Town Tea Saturday. Projects and tasks abound! 🙂 One more task and then bed!