I did NOT want to get up this morning. The air was chilly coming in my slightly open window, and the covers (and my wonderful new pillows!) felt comfy and warm. But I wanted to make sure my Pinnacle guys were caught up from my missing yesterday, so I was up and moving on time. Definitely not early, though!

I did work both stores, took the excess boxes from yesterday to Goodwill, stopped at Lowe’s and got roller covers for the trim roller (Nate’s painting project), got gasoline for the mower, picked up some supplies from Diane, and came home to make lunch. I was hungry for an egg and homemade bread toasted. I notarized a document for my neighbor Dotty, and she sent Torilyn over with a huge muffin as a thank you! I was just making a cup of tea, so I cut a slice and enjoyed it while I read my book.

When I stopped at Lowe’s I had to wait for a clerk in the paint department. They had the cutest sign on their chalkboard!

I was trying to decide what to do with all the magnets I had on my garage/house door. That is one of the doors Nate is painting, and when I pulled the magnets off to prep the door, I noticed that some of the magnets were so strong they pulled the paint off. I know I am repainting that door, but what if I put them back on and then decide to rearrange them later? I was tossing around options in my thoughts, and finally came up with the perfect solution. I see them all the time, still, and they will never be a problem. And there’s room for more!

Also want to thank Beth for the thank you card. I especially loved the flower stickers on the back of the envelope. Thank you, Beth – Christmas seems so long to wait for a visit!

Tonight I am ushering for Bear at the Civic Center – OVER THE TAVERN – a comedy, it seems. Not sure I’ll stay for the play – It’s been a long week and will be a full weekend! Miles to go before I sleep.

Memory book – February 28: Tell about pets you had. “Rabbits, that the cat had caught. We nursed them back to health. My brother had a pet crow called Jake. He was smart. He would take the clothespins off the clothesline, on wash day. Mom wasn’t happy about that.”

On this day in 1836 Sam Houston was inaugurated as the first elected president of the Republic of Texas, and in 1897 the world’s first car dealer opened in London. In 1906 Henry Ford because president of the Ford Motor Company, and in 1907 Ringling Brother Greatest Show on Earth bought Barnum & Bailey Circus. And in 1969 Paul McCartney denied greatly exaggerated rumors of his death (I should HOPE so!!!). Peyton Randolph – the first president of the Continental Congress – died in 1775 at age 54. Very young… Annette Funicello was born in 1942; Christopher Lloyd (Back to the Future) in 1938. And I missed a post yesterday. My uncle Clifford celebrated a birthday yesterday, and by the looks of it, they did celebrate well. Happy, happy birthday and many more ahead. Love you!

TOMORROW October 23 is:
- National Boston Cream Pie Day
- National Mole Day
- National TV Talk Show Host Day
- Swallows Depart from San Juan Capistrano Day
- iPod Day
- National Make A Difference Day
I plan to make a difference tomorrow. Not sure about WHAT, but I can try! 🙂 Have a blessed day – God bless!
clever re positioning of the magnets! No wasted space @ 221 Wren Drive!
I know – had to find something sensible! I still see them every day – several times a day! And it’s not going anywhere for sure! 🙂