I made up my mind that I would keep busy all day, and I did. I called to find out about the COVID test but I do have to wait until tomorrow. So I did the treadmill, and finished proofing the book while I walked. Then I sent Barb an email so she and Don could make the changes. All good!

Shower, breakfast, and a few indoor chores, including to finish the ironing. After a small bowl of potato soup I lugged everything to the front yard and washed the car. There was purple bird doo-doo all over, not to mention dust and leaves.

I decided it was a nice day for a long walk, so I went down to Buncher Park in Youngwood and walked 2.5 miles on the Five Star. I took a detour up Shady Lane, past the house where I grew up. I know I’ve posted these before, but every time I walk up there, it is all new again. I took my time and thought about Kathy losing her shoe in Jack’s Run. About Grama and Grandad Steiner’s house, and how we’d play on the tree roots by the driveway, and roller skate in the garage and basement, and run up the path in the field between their house and ours. I remembered the lamppost at the top of the driveway, and how many time I shoveled that driveway.

There was a huge holly bush (tree) by Mariah Baker’s old house (my favorite of the neighborhood), and I stood there and looked at both homes from every angle, and remembered playing Sheriff in the creek by the culvert and old spring house. We would sit on the split log fence by Cole’s pond (fence no longer there), and now the trees are more open and you can see most of the pond. There’s even a view from the top of the hill. We walked all the way from our house down to Route 119 to catch the school bus. Didn’t seem a long way to us!

I took some pictures of the giant leaves, and sat on a bench in the sunlight at Willow Crossing and read a chapter in my book. It was a nice afternoon for walking and remembering!

When I got back to the house, I turned Hallmark Christmas Movies on (House on Honeysuckle Lane) and painted my nails. Next chore will be a salad for supper. That will be enough for one day.
Memory book – November 9th: Tell about any other circumstances of your wedding day. “Your dad’s friends came for the wedding & decorated the car we were going to ride “home” in.”

On this day in 1969 ‘Bridge over Troubled Water’ was recorded by Simon and Garfunkel; in 1906 Theodore Roosevelt was the first president to visit a foreign country while in office. Art Carney (Ed Norton on the Honeymooners) died at age 85 in 2003. Mary Travers (Peter, Paul and Mary fame) was born in 1936. My friend Kim Douglass is celebrating a birthday. Happy birthday, Kim – with many blessings and lots of love and friendship!

TOMORROW November 10 is:
Have a wonderful day tomorrow – and enjoy these last few sunny days before the colder temperatures – and ‘frozen mix’ predicted! God bless… PS hope you can open this cause it’s SO FUN!!! 🙂
Marge, did you see sister Dot on the trail? I’m sure she was out walking at some time yesterday!
No I didn’t! Passed 2 guys on bikes and one running and that was all. It was a lovely day for a walk!