Funny how in the blink of an eye your whole schedule changes! Thankfully so far it’s just a detour and nothing drastic. But let’s start with the day!

We had a good message this morning from a guest speaker about loving the church. Some very good points brought up, like investing yourself in the work and support of the body of Christ, prayer and worship. Especially appropriate!

In Sunday School we reviewed the story of Esther, and had a celebration of Purim (PooREEM) – the honor given to Esther for her bravery in saving her people, the Jews. (Still celebrated today.) We played games, had donuts (JJ could probably eat an entire dozen, but we held him at 2 1/2!), Hawaiian Punch, and balloons! The boys took three home each and were very excited. We even had noisemakers, and they were VERY NOISY!

After church I stopped at Walmart to get a few things – and saw these boots sitting in the middle of the parking lot. I thought maybe it was the rapture and I missed it! But of course not. Really cannot imagine why they were sitting there looking perfect!

When I got home I got a confirmation that I was exposed to someone with COVID – so thus the quarantine begins. I tried to get a test but was told that not enough time had elapsed from exposure until today. I have no symptoms. So I’ll wait until later in the week, but in the meantime I’ll be home for a few days! I really do feel fine, although I do keep imagining symptoms that are not there. Not a one.
Nate sealed my driveway, and I cleaned up the leaves in the back yard. I took the deck furniture down to the shed and rearranged things so it would all fit. I had a piece of toast, then made a huge pot of potato soup. Now I will finish this post, write out a few thank you notes, and watch Hallmark movies! Don’t expect too much with exciting or interesting posts over the next week – won’t be much going on except cleaning!

Thanks, Nate!

Memory book – November 7th: What did you wear? “I wore a traditional long satin wedding gown. I had made it myself with my mother’s help. Also made my veil.” (See yesterday’s post for photos!)

On this day in 1775 Lord Dunmore promised freedom to male slaves who joined the British army; in 1805 Lewis & Clark sighted the Pacific Ocean. In 1976 GONE WITH THE WIND made broadcast TV debut on NBC – 65% of viewers watched. In 1876 Rutherford B Hayes won US Presidential election by 1 electoral vote. Butch Cassidy (42) AND the Sundance Kid (41) were ambushed and killed in 1908. Eleanor Roosevelt (first Lady) died at age 78 in 1962, and Steve McQueen (actor referred to as the King of Cool) died at age 50 in 1980. Ava Gardner married Frank Sinatra in 1951, and Elizabeth Taylor’s 7th divorce (from John Warner) in 1982. Billy Graham was born in 1918; Marie Curie (physicist) in 1867, and Joni Mitchell (singer) in 1943. A long time friend from the Hempfield youth group, Esther Black, had a birthday today, and my friend April’s son Chris is also celebrating today. Happy birthday to you both!

TOMORROW November 8 is:
- National Cappuccino Day
- National Harvey Wallbanger Day
- National Parents as Teachers Day
- National STEM/STEAM Day
Tomorrow is STAY AT HOME DAY for me! I’ll make the best of it and maybe even do some long over due writing! Have a great week. God bless…
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