It was a very cold, blustery day. The kind that Winnie the Pooh would undoubtedly comment on! A few flurries but nothing notable. I had a few chores to do – one being to spray paint a flag trivet I had tucked away and thought I should either use it or donate it. I’m trying to use it.

I had been looking for a couple of months for new black sink mats for the kitchen. I finally gave up and ordered them online, and they came today. I think they look really nice. The old ones were about 8 years old, and stained and curling up and I couldn’t get them clean. Happy happy!

JJ & Max were so crazy in Sunday School. We learned about Daniel eating healthy food. JJ & Max wanted none of that. Max wasn’t too bad – he wanted M&M’s and donuts and lobster! JJ just wanted donuts and NO FRUIT OR VEGETABLES – AT ALL! So Max may have survived Daniel’s healthy eating request, but JJ probably would not have! Of course for snack (after giving them Honey Nut Cheerios that met with some distain) was York Peppermint Patties and Reese’s PB cups!

I had a piece of meatloaf for lunch, then made Chocolate Chip Cookies with red and green M&M’s. I’ll freeze them for Christmas.

Memory book – November 14th: What qualities in my dad did you try unsuccessfully to change? “I encouraged him to stop smoking & he never could break the habit. He loved to eat & could never seem to understand how it was hurting his health.” I remember that very well! He loved life fully and happily – but it was not nearly long enough.

On this day in 1851 Moby-Dick was published, and in 1883 Treasure Island was published. In 1896 Niagara Falls power plant began operation, and in 1906 President Theodore Roosevelt visited Panama (if you saw Arsenic & Old Lace, you will get the connection – CHARGE!). In 1914 the first airplane flight from the deck of a ship was in Norfolk, VA. Claude Monet was born in 1840; Condoleezza Rice in 1954 (I got to see/hear her in person. She is an intelligent, amazing woman!). Charles, Prince of Wales & heir to the British throne, was born in 1948; Brian Keith – heart-throb in Parent Trap!! – was born in 1921; Mamie Eisenhower – first lady – in 1896; Robert Fulton (born in PA!) – inventor of the steamboat – in 1765. In 1532 King Henry VIII secretly married Anne Boleyn, and in 1855 J E B Stuart married Flora Cooke; he was a famous Confederate general.

TOMORROW November 15 is:
- National Bundt (Pan) Day
- National Philanthropy Day
- National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
- National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day
- National Raisin Bran Cereal Day
- America Recycles Day
I don’t have to clean out my fridge – there is currently almost nothing in it! Hoping to clean out some shelves at Hanna’s Town tomorrow – that will have to do. Have a happy week. God bless.
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