It was a rainy morning so I opted for the treadmill. I’m in a love/hate relationship with the book I’m reading (no names) – the plot is compelling and there are some excellent thoughts on self worth and grief recovery – but the characters are a little off for me. But I’ll keep reading, and I’ll buy the 3rd book in the series when it comes out next April, because I have to see what happens! (And no, it’s NOT my beloved Sarah Elizabeth Bromke!!!)

Jeannette was busy but Greensburg wasn’t. I stopped to get gas in the car, but pulled on the wrong side (new car) and couldn’t find the gas door release! Came home to lunch and laundry. I went up front to pick up a fairly big branch in the yard, and found that something (woodpecker??) had scattered bark, wood chips and twigs all over the place! I couldn’t see any place on the tree that looked compromised but it sure made a mess.

I will share Scott’s message from First Baptist: His Standard, our Deviations. We all need God’s grace; we all sin. We cannot make ourselves worthy; we need Jesus! Apart from Him we are nothing. 1) There is a standard, and it’s GOD. 2) We deviate from right worship and make our own self/life priorities and idols. 3) We deviate from right thinking; i.e., life was an ‘accident’, not created. Our thinking is warped; God wants us to turn to Him for answers. 4) We deviate from right desires. We want our OWN way and ignore God’s standards and teachings. When we buy into the devil’s antics we are miserable. 5) We deviate from right character. Don’t leave God behind. God MUST remedy the deviations, but HOW? Release his wrath on WHOM? JESUS paid it Himself, for us. Keep your eyes on how GOOD the GOOD NEWS is; it’s better than we could imagine for ourselves.

On this day in 1662 a royal charter was granted to Connecticut, and in 1937 Margaret Mitchell won a Pulitzer prize for Gone with the Wind. Birthdays: Bing Crosby in 1903, Eric Church (country music star) in 1977, and our local radio personality Stoney Richards has a birthday today! He’s on Y108 and I love the morning show, Y’d Awake, with Stoney, Maria, and Kristen.

TOMORROW May 4th is:
- National Star Wars Day
- National Weather Observers Day
- National Renewal Day
- National Orange Juice Day
- National Candied Orange Peel Day
- Bird Day
- National Foster Care Day
- National Teacher Appreciation Day –
As you could see by the weather, I did not get to meditate in my garden or sit on the bench – unless I wanted to be very wet! But tomorrow at least I can observe the weather. And wonder if it really is a BIRD that is chipping at my tree. BEAVERS don’t climb trees, right??? 🙂 How about a wood chuck… Hmmm. God bless…
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