May 27, 2021

What a crazy busy day! I had five outside title appointments today – but I’m always glad to help when I can. I came home, had 2 reduced fat cookies, then weed whacked and cut the grass. Got finished in time to take a quick shower and head to Kathy’s. We had a facetime visit with Mom this week because her unit was on yellow alert – there was a COVID exposure somewhere. After our visit we drove down to Arona Road Greenhouse and got some flowers to take out Home on Saturday and plant on the graves. There may already be some there but we’ll just squeeze ours in! It’s a lovely day today to be outside.

Flowers for Memorial day plantings

When I went down to mow I was shocked to see that the row of lilacs on the other side of the fence (not my trees) were gone! Wow! Everything looks so open. I also noticed that my rose bushes on the hill are in full bloom for the first time ever since I’ve lived here.

Lots of lilac trees! All gone!
So empty
wide open spaces
Roses on the hill

Last night the solar light that I got in the auction basket was lit. It’s so pretty – thank you, Tammy! You put together a great basket of garden treats.

I will share Steve’s message from Maplewood – Burning with Enthusiasm (Pentecost). We feel burned out and lose enthusiasm – too much clutter and mess in our lives. Conflicting views, weight of the world, stress. Our fire grows cold – what do you do? FAITH needs the company of others to remain strong. Fan into flames the gift that was given to you: Faith, power, love, self-discipline. Don’t be ashamed to share the gospel! WE are the temple and we need to keep it strong and secure. Keep pressing on; fan the flame. But remember that fear can squelch the flam. 1) Break the cycle; get out of the rut. Use your gift for the good of the body of Christ, and life will fan into flames: both for you and those you serve. 2) Pray often 3) Get back to basics: read the word, stay connected (gather together). The life of God within us will grow.

Steve from Maplewood

On this day in 1907 the Bubonic Plague broke out in San Francisco; in 1930 Richard Drew invented Masking tape, and in 1941 the German battleship Bismarck was sunk by the British. In 1961 the first black light was sold; in 1969 Walt Disney World began construction, and in 1995 actor Christopher Reeve became paralyzed from the neck down after falling from his horse. Birthdays: 1794 – Cornelius Vanderbilt, Railroad Magnate; 1837 Wild Bill Hickok, cowboy and scout. In 1907 Rachel Carson, biologist, conservationist and writer was born in Sprindale PA, and Herbert Humphrey, 38th VP of the US, in 1901. John Calvin – theologian – died at age 54 in 1564.

Tirpitz - Bismarck-class battleship | May 13, 2017 at 11:55A… | Flickr
Battleship Bismarck
Business Magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt
Cornelius Vanderbilt

TOMORROW May 28th is:

I could go for a burger about now. And wouldn’t you know: We are taking a road trip on Saturday! My day tomorrow – if goes as planned – will be wash windows, go to my little fleatique that I like, and grab a few weekend groceries! Have a happy Friday! God bless —

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One comment on “May 27, 2021
  1. RON+SHAFER says:

    Beef burger day, and hamburger day? Sounds like a good reason to celebrate with either two singles, or one double burger. Enjoy.

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