Went to first service at Hempfield, then Mary and I had breakfast. I stopped at the store on the way home and bought 2 sleeveless tops to wear on vacation. Knowing that it would be HOT, and that I really didn’t have any cool shirts, I felt it was a good plan. Since we had a nice breakfast, I didn’t have to eat lunch. I started by making icing for the scones and a few other kitchen chores, including to mix up the feed for the hummingbird feeder that was in the basket I won last night. Also planted the seeds that were in there, too. I hope they grow! I don’t have much luck with plants from seeds.

I did pull a few weeds, tidy up a few beds, then watered everything. The gardens are looking bright and colorful – but I suspect I need to branch out more. So much purple! But I do love it.

I discovered a big hole in my side flower bed – not sure what intends to live there but hoping it’s not a skunk! I think it’s going to be baby bunnies – but it was suggested that MAYBE it’s fairies or hobbits! Hmmmm.

I will share Mike’s message since I was there this morning – We are still in James and talked about taming the tongue (it’s been called a 2 ounce beast!). Words from the heart are what can defile you; if your heart is right the tongue will NOT defile us. To control the tongue is to guard our hearts. 1) Be a cautious teacher; words we speak affect many lives and we will meet stricter judgement as teachers. 2) Learn to control your speech; it determines your course in life. Filth can accumulate there; the tongue is a beast that we cannot easily train and is full of deadly poison. Speak words that are good and kind and true. 3) Nature is consistent; our tongues are not. It speaks evil and good at the same time. Like a doctor with a tongue depressor – look behind the tongue to the heart. Who is in control of your tongue? God? Be under His control, not OUT of control. The Holy Spirit will help us. More people have been slain by the tongue than by the sword. KEEP CONTROL of the tongue; don’t destroy others or what we stand for as children of God.

On this day in 1785 Benjamin Franklin announced his invention of bifocals, and in 1922 Walt Disney incorporated his first film company. Bonnie and Clyde were killed in a police ambush in 1934, and in 1985 President Ronald Reagan awarded Jimmy Stewart the President’s Medal of Freedom and promoted him to Major General on the retired list. Birthdays: Douglas Fairbanks, actor (3 Musketeers, Zorro, Robin Hood) in 1883; Drew Carey, comedian, in 1958; Ken Jennings – 74 time American game show champion – Jeopardy, in 1974. William Kidd, pirate, was hanged at age 56 in 1701; William Bradford, printer died at age 89 in 1752 (Pennsylvania’s first printing press); Kit Carson, frontiersman and Indian fighter, died at age 58 in 1868; John D Rockefeller, philanthropist, at age 97 in 1937, Sam Snead, golfer, at age 89 in 2002; Roger Moore, actor, (James Bond) in 2017 at age 89, and in 2020 Saturn – American-born alligator that escaped the Berlin Zoo during WWII – died at age 85 in the Moscow (Russia) Zoo.

TOMORROW May 24th is:
- National Yucatan Shrimp Day
- National Aviation Maintenance Technician Day
- Brother’s Day
- National Scavenger Hunt Day
- National Escargot Day
- National Wyoming Day
Why are Yucatan Shrimp so special? Are they all brothers? I bet if we went to Wyoming we would find out. Have a great week and God Bless…
Your gardens are beautiful. 🙂
Thank you, dear sister! I was a while getting to these! Love you!