My busy day started with an outside walk – breakfast, then mow the grass, weed whacked, then washed the car. By then it was almost 2pm, and after a bite of lunch (literally!) and a nice conversation with my little sister, I got showered and changed and headed off to Bull River Taco to pick up Autmn. We stopped on the way back to get HER little sister Josie, and then went dress shopping. Autmn ended up finding 2 dresses, very different but both very pretty (for graduation!), shorts, shirts, shoes, makeup — I can’t remember a time when I was this tired. We went from one end of Route 30 to the other! The girls got Subway and then ice cream at the Frosty Shack on the way home. All good! Glad to be done for the day. And Mom actually DID smile yesterday – Kathy caught a picture!

I’ll share Paul’s message from River Hill – Praise to the God of all comfort. He promises to comfort us! God blesses us so we can bless others; he uses our experiences to reach and help others; otherwise the experience is wasted. We grow from adversity. We ALL need encouragement 1) Hardships are part of every life a) forgiveness b) comfort ‘Take Heart – I have overcome the world. Our guarantee is NOT comfort, but character development. 2) We share in Jesus Christ a) it gives people hope b) helps people overcome fears c) helps people break down barriers. 3) Our experiences produce endurance & patience a) we are a model for Christ, a smaller version of Him. 4) We must share sufferings with others; we don’t want to appear imperfect, so we often keep our problems and trials to ourselves. Jesus brings us hope and rescues us. We should share suffering AND comfort. ALL THINGS work together for good!

On this day in 1881 the American Red Cross was founded by Clara Barton, and in 1980 Star Wars – the Empire Strikes Back – opened. In 1994 Trisha Yearwood married Rock bassist Robert Reynolds, and in 1950 Jeffrey Dahmer – serial killer was born. Also celebrating today is Sherree Johnson, Jen’s mom. Sherree is Ninth Life Rescue’s right-hand ‘mom’ and over all supporter and animal keeper. Happy birthday Sherree – many more!

TOMORROW May 22nd is:
- International Being You Day (who else would I be??)
- National Craft Distillery Day
- World Paloma Day
- National Maritime Day
- National Solitaire Day (* Paul Eisaman! Finally! Your day has arrived!)
- National Buy a Musical Instrument Day
- National Vanilla Pudding Day
I think I’ll start the day going to garage sales (2 neighborhood sales in the area) and maybe run down to the Car Show at Kelly’s church in Martin’s Ferry. I won’t stay long – I don’t want to drive home from Ohio in the dark. But it would be nice to go! I’ll report in tomorrow night. God Bless . . .
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