On these nice days that I spend most of the time outside there’s not too much to report. The new neighbors below me finally had their property surveyed (they said they planned to do that), and I was relieved that my fence was a nice distance from the line. We had the original survey report when we installed the fence, but these days you never know!

I did some inside cleaning, watered all the new plants and grass, then had a piece of meatloaf for dinner. I still have to iron. And Kath talked to John very briefly this morning – he sounded settled and accepting. They are keeping him busy with their medical schedules and taking good care of him. We’re so glad for the blessing of capable, compassionate workers!
I will share Scott’s message from First Baptist – Credible Christianity. Our words and life and attitude must be in keeping with Christ; how we live shows what we actually believe. We can’t rely on ourselves but on God – we all need the grace of God. We shouldn’t boast, but we CAN boast about God! We have to be witnesses for those who don’t know. We have a privileged calling, which bring with it a particular responsibility. We need to exhibit Authentic Living – be more like Jesus for people to see. Authentic Worship – doing acts without commitment is hollow. We have a new heart that will draw people to Christ. Authentic Identity – what we are inwardly. We have a heart from God. Reflect God’s light to others.

On this day in 1536 Anne Boleyn is beheaded at the Tower of London, and in 1884 Ringling Brothers circus premiered. In 2018 Meghan Markle married Prince Henry – Queen Elizabeth II granted the titles of Duke and Duchess of Sussex to the couple. Nathaniel Hawthorne, writer, died in 1864 at age 59; Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (64) died in 1994, and Millie – George H W Bush’s dog – died at age 12 in 1997. Two important birthdays today. First is my cousin Gail’s little grandson Cole Patterson. Happy birthday, Cole! And my dear, sweet Aunt Joan (AJ) is having a birthday today. We miss the frequent visits out there, but hopefully we can get back into that now! She has been an example of faith and love and family to us our whole lives (she played the piano for my wedding!), and I’m blessed to have her in my life! Happy birthday, sweet Aunt!!!

TOMORROW May 20th is:
- International Red Sneakers Day *
- National Be a Millionaire Day
- National Pick Strawberries Day
- National Rescue Dog Day
- National Quiche Lorraine Day
I’ll sign up to be a millionaire! Where’s the list? I guess I’ll have to settle for wearing red sneakers…. Have a happy, sunny day, my friends! God Bless…

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