Mike and Joann Noel – missionaries home from Tanzania, spoke at first service. Very good to see them and catch up just for a minute. They were actually at Kelly’s on Friday doing a presentation on Africa for their homeschool geography group. They have been in Tanzania for 9 years and were sorry to have to leave their mission there.

Went to breakfast after church with Mary – it’s always so good to sit and visit with her! We can literally talk about anything – and we do!

Today was my day to volunteer at Hanna’s Town. Started off cloudy but got sunny and nice quickly. I had a family tour – the mom was in a wheelchair after surgery. I think the tour lasted for a record 2 hours! Her daughters and grandson wanted to hear everything! They were a good audience and participated in everything – especially 8 year old Jude! Dan from Proctor’s Militia was set up in the LeFevere house with his guns, and gave us an interesting presentation of the weapons and the early history of Pennsylvania. I could have stood and listened another hour!

And since I spent the day there, today in 1775 ‘Hanna’s Town Resolves were adopted. After hearing the news of the British firing on its citizens in Lexington and Concord, the people of Westmoreland County gathered at Hanna’s Town to discuss what their reaction should be. They adopted the Hanna’s Town Resolved declaring their willingness to take up arms to defend their rights from British oppression. Although they stopped short of declaring independence, it was a bold precursor to the Declaration of Independence, which followed more than a year later.’
Read more about it online – it’s our history! |

I will share Mike Noel’s message this morning – if we have a strong faith, if we believe – Jesus heals. Doesn’t matter if we are honored or shamed, Jesus will focus on us; we belong to him. Our identity is with Jesus; we often cling to the shame Satan drums into us through other people. We should cling to Jesus’ value of us. Jesus takes great delight in you. He not only takes away our sin, but also our shame!

On this day in 1866 Charles E Hires invented Hires Root Beer, and also in 1866 congress authorized minting the nickel (5 cent piece). In 1939 the first US Food stamps were issued, and in 1966 the BEACH BOYS released their album Pet Sounds – which I love and still have!! In 1986 Top Gun premiered (Nate was 4 1/2 and LOVED that show. We watched it non-stop!) In 2020 the 118 year old department store J C Penney’s filed for bankruptcy. Margaret Hamilton (wicked witch from the Wizard of OZ) died in 1985 at age 82. Jim Henson (Sesame Street and Muppets fame) died at age 53 in 1990, and Sammy Davis Jr at 64 the same year. Marie Antoinette married (King) Louis XVI in 1770. Birthdays: 1905 Henry Fonda; 1919 Liberace; 1973 Tori Spelling (actress). And my cousin Paul – one of my ‘title’ people!!! – is celebrating a birthday today. Happy birthday Paul – have a blessed year and many happy years of fixing and selling cars!!!

TOMORROW May 17th is:
- National Pack Rat Day
- National Cherry Cobbler Day
- National Graduation Tassel Day
- National Walnut Day
- National Idaho Day
The only way I can celebrate Idaho is to eat one of their potatoes. Might happen…. Have a great week and enjoy the spring weather! God bless…
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