It was sad to see the kids leave this evening. We had a busy time but it was fun, even though I didn’t feel my best the whole time. I can’t remember the last time I was sick except for a quick few hour stomach bug. But we plowed through and still enjoyed ourselves. With the threat of rain it was windy and cooler, and I cut the grass. I was exhausted but it looks so nice – it helps to have the blade sharpened! Thanks, Peyton! I looked up at one point and there were a dozen or more birds circling overhead. Yikes! I didn’t think I was THAT sick!!!

Since it was outside, Kelly and I went to the Harrold Herb Fair. I bought a flower and lavender for on the hill. We did stop at L&L Fleatique but there was only one outside booth. We were only there 10 minutes then were back home. I basically just helped her with loads of laundry and changing bed sheets and we didn’t do anything else. I planted the plants from the Herb Fair and also the blue flowers that I bought from Kelly’s church school. I get a flat every year. This year mostly I grouped them instead of sticking one here and one there. I think as they spread they will look nice.

After the kids left I cleaned up the Flag Room and remade the beds and swept. Now everything is quiet and I’ll chill out and rest this evening. I have only sneezed twice today so we are making progress!
May 14 – Tell about the first dance you ever went to. “I went to a square dance with my brother and the group that were playing for the dance. I believe it was at the Creekside Grange Hall. I was in my early teens.”
Yesterday’s vacation destination was suggested by Peyton. He wanted to go to Michigan in the winter! Here are more random winter pictures:

Calendar Inspiration – Everyday places offer a connection to your history and heritage. Explore your community’s past. That’s a great one for our adventure yesterday!

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation destination –

TOMORROW May 15th is:
- National Chocolate Chip Day
- National Nylon Stocking Day
- Peace Officers Memorial Day
- Take Your Parents to the Playground Day
Well, we have chocolate chip scones, chocolate chip muffins, and chocolate chip cookie bars in the freezer. So we can celebrate! God bless…
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