I was still feeling a little under the weather when I got up today, although I slept really well. The sun was shining and it was warm, so that at least inspired me to get out of bed and get myself to Sunday School. I was able to teach the lesson (which was a hard concept for the kids for some reason!). The story was about Jesus in the temple watching the people give their offerings. The rich people were giving lots of money, but the poor widow had two ‘cents’ and gave all she had. The kids still though Jesus would be happier with the big amounts of money. It took several times going over the concept of giving with your heart because you love God but I think we finally figured it out.

I did help a little with the projects – which were piggy banks that they are to fill up and bring back – but I did not stay for church. I came home and did actually nothing but read for a few hours, then went out and watered the newly planted plants. Being outside actually helped a little, and I was able to go over to Kathy’s and help her finish up a moving project and pick up a few things that she didn’t want to keep.

Thanks, Sis!
I noticed that some of the trim paint in my family room had been scratched, so I got my can of paint and touched up the door and the stair railing. I painted all the spots, then came back down stairs and promptly gripped the railing. Ugh!

After I got home, I sat outside and read for a while. It’s still warm, and the view from my reading bench was peaceful and quiet. When this is done I will eat dinner and be done for the day, early as it is.

I found the old metal dustpan that was Mom’s, and I decided to spray paint it to match the milk can. I had one decal left….

May 15 – Tell about your high school prom or formal dance. “I went to Aunt Hazel’s prom with her. Back in 1946 it was the normal thing for girls to go together to dances, especially proms. The boys came in a group. I felt very grown up & had a good time. I don’t even remember where we went or with who we went. It is so different now in the 21st century.”
Yesterday’s vacation destination was Ligonier PA and the picture posted was the country/farmer’s market. That is something you really shouldn’t miss! Venders of all kinds. Other point of interest in Ligonier:

Calendar Inspiration – Peanuts

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW May 16th is:
- Honor Our LGBT Elders Day
- National Barbecue Day
- National Biographer’s Day
- National Coquilles Saint Jacques Day
- National Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day
- National Love a Tree Day
- National Mimosa Day
- National Piercing Day
- National Sea Monkey Day
Hmmm. I do love trees. I watered mine today. And I also did something nice for my neighbor today – I dug her a few plants that she wanted pieces of. Now — let’s see if I can find a sea monkey….

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