Friday the 13th!

Other than the fact that I have been sneezing like a crazy person all day, we had a wonderful time. We left Greensburg with sunny skies and warm temperatures at 8:30am. The drive up and the scenery were beautiful. I love the clouds and the mountains. Pennsylvania is a beautiful state.

Look at the clouds!
Lincoln Highway
Clouds – but sun in the distance. Deceiving!

When we got to Stoystown it was cold and rainy and cloudy. No one had jackets or sweatshirts except for Logan! Smart kid! I looked at the hoodies and was not going to get one because of the expense, but in the ended I decided it was not only an investment in my comfort but also an investment in the site and in honoring the people who gave so much. The guides explained why they had a gift shop on site. So I purchased one and I was very happy that I did. And I must add that the Flight 93 Memorial is very much worth the effort to see, no matter how far you have to travel to see it. THAT is our history!

Being warm in my hoodie – looking at the site (see bolder in the background)

We got to the site about 10am, and waited for the others in the group to arrive. They had a longer way to go – from Wheeling and surrounding areas. Dave and Gregory were our tour guides, and they did an excellent job of explaining the day, and the thoughts, and the processes. They told about what the people in the area thought and felt and said. The building is constructed in a way that when you walk on the path, you follow the flight path of the plane. The displays in the visitor’s center were very informative and emotional. There is far too much information to share on this post – just look it up and be inspired by those brave people who made a difference. They were, indeed, heroes.

View at the site
Mock up of site
Visitor Center
Waiting on the tour – Homeschool group
Dave & Greg – our guides
Standing on the flight path – viewing the crash site
The gray walkway is the flight path – the height of the walls is appx the height of the plane off the ground
Continuation of the flight path from the Memorial looking up to the visitor’s center
Flight path looking to the gate and the crash site – kept locked at all times. Only people allowed inside to the site are family members.

After the tour and the displays, we drove down to the memorial. All this time it was cold and rainy but we kept going. The walkway continued to follow the flight path. There was a ledge where people could leave tokens of their thanks and appreciation. The wall at the end listed the names of the people on Flight 93, and we saw one name that listed the passenger with ‘and unborn child.’ There was a little square place below Todd Beemer (Let’s Roll!) that said ‘Who’s to say that you weren’t born for such a time as this (from the book of Esther). That’s one of my favorite verses and it was very moving.

Flight path of Flight 93
Memorial site
Tokens of honor and remembrance – see the bolder in the distance???
Unborn child
…such a time as this…
Bolder — in the rain
Actual photo the day of the crash

Next we stopped at the tower of voices, which weren’t voices at all. There are 40 different chimes that each have a distinct tone to represent the lives of those on the flight. The tower is 93 feel tall. All in all it is was an inspiring and moving day, and I wondered why it took me so long to go back. I was there the year after the crash, but I should have gone once the memorial opened. Please – it’s worth the trip.

Kelly standing at the bottom of the tower

One thing I never even thought about (I’m still re-living the bicentennial!) is that our nation will celebrate 250 years in 2026! So that is my new goal: To celebrate with our nation!

Happy Birthday USA!

Several families stopped at our house after the morning and we all had lunch on the deck and inside when it began to rain. The plan had been Twin Lakes but the weather did not co-operate. After everyone left Kelly and I finished a project that we started yesterday. Peyton spray-painted gray a milk can that I had uncovered in the shed. Autmn had bought me decals last year, so we put them on as well. I think it looks amazing! My dad gave me that Milk Can from the Wagon Shed Antiques more years ago than I can count. Everything comes around!

It took a village….

We just ordered pizza for supper before Peyton and Matt leave to go home. That will be the end of my day. I need to put my sneezes to bed!

May 13 – What kind of dances did you do as a youth? “Square Dancing was my all time favorite. A friend of my father’s taught me how to waltz. Our neighbor, Stan Leczner, would jitterbug with me at “Meadow Brook Dance Hall.” Stan & I could Schottish better than any other couple on the floor.” It’s so fun to think of Mom having a ‘young’ exciting life!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Baltimore – and the picture posted was the USS Constellation. Other points of interest in Baltimore:

Inner Harbor
Fells Point
Edgar Allen Poe’s gravesite
Fort McHenry (I love the stories associated with this)
Carroll Mansion
Civil War sites

Calendar Inspiration – Share your best self — be patient, serene and gentle.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

With summer around the corner, snow pictures seem surreal! Where is this place?

TOMORROW May 14th is:

I’m hoping that tomorrow isn’t national ‘sneeze’ day! I haven’t sneezed this much in decades! But it didn’t hinder the day significantly. So here’s to a sneeze-free weekend! God bless…

Image result for Cartoon People Sneezing
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