The crisp, sunny morning drew me outside despite the very low temps. I bundled up in layers and didn’t care if it looked silly for the 10th of May! It was nice to walk outside. Got a card in the mail from my cousin Beth – with a note asking me if I knew what the picture was on the front. Of COURSE I did! It’s Anne and Matthew! Green Gables!

After work I met a friend at the church, and we discussed the possibility of using the Welcome Center for a writer’s event. After that, went home to lunch and the afternoon outside. I finally weed-whacked – it wasn’t pretty. The yard was still very wet, and by the time I was done I had mud on my face and glasses, all over my shirt and jacket, grass stuck to my pants, and my shoes each weighed an extra pound from the wet grass and mud stuck to them. But good news! It’s all done — for now. I cut the grass, blew everything clean, pulled weeds in two flower gardens, and hosed off the fence.

I was just finishing when Autmn called and needed a ride. Her and Summer (her sister) needed to get some groceries for the house. I changed clothes and picked them up and then followed them around Dollar General until I got bored – than sat in the car and read until they were done. Ate a salad for supper and now this. Still have a little office work to do before the evening is finished. It was great to be outside and keeping busy – playing in the dirt!

I will share Mike’s message from Hempfield – Faith & Deeds. Faith not accompanied by action is dead. Faith is the foundation – then there is fruit to see the results of faith. Your faith will be apparent by the things you do. He gave the example of a fireplace. If you are inside you see the fire; if you are outside and look at the chimney, you see the smoke and KNOW there is a fire without seeing it! Functioning faith – not just word but deed: 1) Not indifferent but involved. 2) Not independent; it’s a partnership. 3) Not invisible; it’s on display. SHOW faith by what you do. Christ is alive in us. 4) Not intellectual, it’s from the heart. Don’t hid behind knowledge of God’s word (imperative but not enough). Add actions! Keep the faith; finish the race.

On this day in 1775 the 2nd Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia; named George Washington as Supreme Commander. In 1869 the Golden Spike was driven in Utah, completing the first transcontinental railroad in US – Connected the Central Pacific with the Union Pacific. In 1872 Victoria Woodhall was the first woman nominated for US President, and in 1924 J Edgar Hoover was appointed head of the FBI. In 1940 – World War II – the first German bombs of the war fell in Kent, England. In 1996 “TWISTER” premiered (Nathan loved that show – he loved seeing the cow being caught up in the funnel). Birthdays: John Wilkes Booth (Lincoln assassin) was born in 1865; Max Steiner (no relation!!!) – Austrian Composer in 1888 (Gone With the Wind); Fred Astaire in 1899; David O Selznick (award winning producer for Gone With the Wind and Rebecca) in 1902; Maybelle Carter – country singer – in 1909, and Bono (Singer/U2) in 1960. Paul Revere died at age 83 in 1818; Stonewall Jackson died in 1863 at age 39 of pneumonia. Heidi Klum married Seal in 2005 and President George W Bush’s daughter Jenna married Henry Hager in 2008. Whew! Lots going on for today!

TOMORROW May 11th is:
Eat what I want! I’ve been waiting for this my whole life! Well, I usually eat what I want, but I’m never told it’s ok! Maybe it really IS the Twilight Zone! Have a happy Tuesday – God bless.
I’ll leave you with this: When God gives you a new beginning it starts with an ending…
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