It started out as a rainy day and is still raining. Thankfully it’s pretty warm.

I did make my pancakes for lunch. I made the ‘mistake’ of not buying Bisquick last time, and the recipe on the box of baking mix was complex and very heavy. It didn’t take many bites before I was full. They tasted fine but I’ll stick with Bisquick from now on.
My exciting chores for today were to do laundry and do some Easter research. I have to type out a schedule for our Sunday School Easter lessons. Since Easter is a different week every year, it’s not in the correct order in our lesson planners. I will type them out so Mary and I are on the same page with lessons and activities.

After I do the ironing and listen to Greg’s Sunday message, it will be close time to go over to Kathy’s and watch the Gilded Age episode for the week. That’s a fun thing to look forward to, as well.

Today is Roger’s birthday, so sending out a big Happy Birthday to him, and wishing him a healthy and blessed year to come – every single day!

Happy birthday!
March 7 – What was the naughtiest or meanest thing you remember doing in school? Were there consequences? “In the winter when the potbelly stove was hot some one would bring in a pack of chewing gum. We would chew the gum & then heat it on the top of the stove. Put it on a piece of ivory (from piano key) and flip it on to the ceiling. When it cooled it would fall down & make a noise. I never got caught.” Wow – what a rebel! So fun to hear about these things.

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Slippery Rock – where we actually were! – and the picture posted was Slippery Rock Creek. Other things in Slippery Rock are:

Calendar inspiration – Stay sweet and kind wherever you go.

Quote – (two today)

Scripture – (two today)

Vacation destination –

TOMORROW March 8th:
What exciting things are there to celebrate in Oregon? Probably more than we knew. But proofreading is more in my line – I’m sure I’ll be doing that in some form! Have a great day – and hope for Sunshine! God bless…
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