I went to Diane’s straight after Sunday School and we headed to Jennings Environmental center for the program – Sweet Stroll Through Maple History. The Park Ranger who took us through the hike was very engaging, informative, and interesting. Even the kids enjoyed it, and probably 2/3 of the group were kids under 15.

We started by learning about Pennsylvania State Parks – There are 121 State Parks in PA, and no matter where you are in the state you are never further than half an hour from a state park. Interesting information! We learned about the Prairie across the road, and that prairie is one of the only homes to the endangered Massasauga Rattlesnake. The ranger had a rubber one but it sure looked real! Yikes!

There are a lot of big rocks, which I really like, and lots of birds and chipmunks. I took a photos of 2 chipmunk homes.

We learned about the importance of trees, layers of trees, and how to identify maple from other trees, especially when there are no leaves on the trees. As we hiked the trail, we saw how tapping for syrup has changed since the Native Americans first began the process. Then, how the settlers improved on the process, and ultimately how both the Civil War and World War II introduced new and innovative equipment and processing, as well as understanding of the process.

At the end, we saw how the maple sap is boiled off now to make syrup, and then we all had a little taste. It was very sweet, and yummy! It was a fun day, and the weather was perfect – 70*, sunny and dry!

I snapped these photos on the trip – The city of Butler – and a huge flag waving in the breezes.

March 6 – Tell about how you spent your Sundays – “We went to Sunday School & church and then we were not allowed to do anything except read, play a quiet game, or play the piano rolls and sing. Sunday was to be sacred and a day to honor God. We did go visiting.”

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Maslowski Beach in the city of Ashland. Picture was Dobson Gardens, as are most of the others posted below. Diane and her friend Kendra visited there together. Kendra lives in Chicago but this is in Wisconsin.

The rest are in the garden: (Thanks for sharing, Diane!)

Calendar Inspiration is – ironically – tapping maple syrup! Sweet things come out of long hard work.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW March 7 is:
SO – I was hungry for pancakes (because of all the syrup talk) but since tomorrow is Flapjack Day I’ll wait until tomorrow. Better than cereal! (Sorry!) God bless…
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