The beautiful sunny day turned into clouds and rain and got colder as the day went on. I was glad to get my groceries done in the morning and be home before it got uncomfortable. I was able to go down to the shed and get the folding table and check the mail between showers. At 7:30pm it’s 42* and no trace of the earlier sunshine. Tomorrow won’t be any better; I believe the weekend will be cold!

Once I got home I started mixing up the salads: Egg salad, Chicken salad, Tuna salad. Then I sampled each on a small piece of bread as a taste test. But after having all three in a row I lost my perspective and didn’t even have a favorite! I’m sure they will be fine.

Tuna Salad
Since I was already in the kitchen I mixed up some chocolate chip M&M cookies for Easter. They are tucked in the freezer so I don’t eat them.

But they taste good!
So I did laundry, ironing, swept the floors (again), cooked, and paid bills. I guess that’s enough for today!
Today is the anniversary of my Dad’s death in 1985. He was 56 when he died. That was a long, long time ago, but there’s a lot I remember just like it were yesterday! I still miss him!

March 25 – Did you ever need stitches? “I should have had my lower lip stitched when I fell from the hayloft & hit the barn floor on my face. My lower teeth cut clear through my lip. Stitches, back then, were for ‘serious injuries.’ “

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Finland, and the picture posted was Suomenlinna – a perfect spot for picnics. A few other photos of Finland:

Calendar Inspiration – When things grow dim, guiding lights shine brighter.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW March 26 is:
Purple day! And I can assure you that no spinach was used in the planning of our Skunk Hollow event that will take place here tomorrow afternoon. A whole nine months until Christmas Day! God bless…

Gwen (mother of the bride-to-be), Holly, Beth, Kathy, Tara (bride-to-be), Colleen (aunt of the bride-to-be), Karen V
Marge, Gail, and our newest member Bonnie
Karen O and Connie not pictured
Marge- My way of keeping my chocolate chip cookies from getting flat is (1) to be sure that I use soft butter not melted butter- I use Fleischmann’s margarine and (2) I add about 1/8 t0 1/4 cup of extra flour to the dry mix. The second tip I got from Aldara Earnest.
I will definitely try that next time. Sounds like a good fix. 🙂 Thank you!!!