We had a good day and everything worked out just right. I worked both stores, then came home and picked up Kathy for our 3rd Fireside Chat at Compass Inn – Histories and Mysteries of Language. Emily Barth is so passionate and knowledgeable about the origin and evolution of words and language, and makes learning about it very fun. The two hours just fly by.

Before the lecture, though, Kathy and I met Carol, Sue, and Claudia at The Getaway Café, across from the old Ligonier Valley Beach right before Laughlintown. It was a lovely hour and a half of good conversation, good food, and good friends. I had a fish sandwich, and ate half. This is what was left! A huge thanks to Aunt Cordelia for treating me for lunch. It was twice as delicious. Love you!

The Café used to to be a type of hardware store, I think, and was a very cool place, with stone walls (inside), metal signs on the wall, and a heart shaped hula-hoop by the entrance. The waitresses were all very nice, as well.

After I got home I changed clothes and went for a walk. I haven’t been around the neighborhood for a while and it was good to be outside. I snapped a few photos of evidence of Spring!

And just a note – today is the anniversary of my friend Gen’s husband Zane’s passing. He is still loved and missed by his family and friends! Thinking of you, Gen, and your family. Love you!

March 24 – What bones have you broken and how? “I never have broken a bone.” Neither have I!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Greenland, and the photo posted was the Blue River. It looks so desolate! Here are more photos.

Calendar inspiration – A dependable partner doubles the enjoyment of work and lessens the load. Thank your coworkers! (Well, maybe….)

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW March 25 is:
Tomorrow is also nine months until Christmas Day! I will spend tomorrow getting organized and making my food for Saturday. That will be enough to keep me busy. Have a great day! God bless…
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