March 26, 2022 – a fantastically fun day! It started out early with a snow squall that looked like a blizzard. I half expected phone calls that some wouldn’t make it – but SUCCESS!! Everyone came. And everyone brought yummy, wonderful food! We ate about 1:30pm – everyone was starving and couldn’t wait for Gwen at 3pm.

Karen V could not attend, as she was heading to the Eagles concert in Pittsburgh. Can you believe she threw us over for a couple of BIRDS? And Bonnie already had plans. But the rest of us made it and had a wonderful day. (We missed them!)

We were looking through the crate of Crooks family pictures and letters and post cards and documents and old books when Gwen got here. So then everyone decided we needed to keep her company eating and grabbed snacks and desserts. Except for Holly – she had a rule about waiting until 5pm. So at 10 after 5 she got food, and we all decided it was time for supper! So basically, we ate all day. We had egg salad, tuna salad, chicken salad, 3 kinds of rolls, chips and salsa, chips and crackers, macaroni salad, taco salad, cheese/cracker/meat tray, M&M’s, chocolate mocha cake, strawberry Jello pretzel salad, three kinds of gobs… That MAY be it – plus tea and soda and water.

Since we are all of common family connections, we really had a great time looking at our ancestry. Connie got ahold of an old reunion yearbook from Davis School (where my mom attended all her school years) and spent almost the whole time looking through that. Everyone found something that they connected with. Gwen agreed to take some of the items to the little Smicksburg Heritage Museum. Aunt Joan and Uncle Clifford had already donated items there when they first opened so it made sense. It was rewarding to see our family so excited about their little treasures.

So — some of the topics of conversations were Holly’s two close brushes with death, Beth’s New Hampshire vacation, behind-the-scenes info of Gwen’s daughter’s shower and wedding. We talked about the last years and deaths of our parents and family, our grandchildren, my water issues and their amazing resolution, future outing suggestions for the group, ALWAYS have one or two discussions of faith-related issues, food (again, always!), things that make you go, ‘hmmmm.’ It was after 7:30pm when everyone left, and it was just starting to snow again. Praying that everyone traveled carefully and arrived home safe.

Holly regaled us with her ‘near death’ experiences and I had my traditional story to share. Lots of memories and laughter and fun.
I love these girls like sisters (well, Kathy IS my sister!) and cherish all the time we can spend together. So thankful for one of the biggest blessings that feeds my soul! God bless you, each and every one!

March 26 – Do you have any other good stories about being injured? “When I was 6 or 7 years old, I was ‘helping’ brother Jim make lead hearts & other things to make into a necklace. Some melted, hot lead spilled onto my foot. It burned so deep I couldn’t wear a shoe for 6 weeks. I still have the burn mark on my foot.” And I have the necklace that Uncle Jim made that day!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was a series of places – Lighthouses of New England. Yesterday’s post was New London Ledge Light, Groton, Connecticut. A few other lighthouses (not all, of course!) are:

(We were there!)
Calendar Inspiration – Our workday starts early – resolve to make it a good day!

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW March 27 is:
- International Medical Science Liaison Day
- National Joe Day
- National Scribble Day
- National Spanish Paella Day
SO, Joe gets his own day. Hmmm. I have to say my handwriting is so bad I can easily celebrate National Scribble Day – but whatever, enjoy! God bless…
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