June 25 ,2021

The week is about over, and we are home safe and sound – although Nate said he wasn’t sure how ‘sound’ I was! I must agree…

By the time I got the car emptied out, laundry sorted and kept moving, food and things put away, the car washed, some bills paid, checkbook caught up, money sorted from vacation — It’s 9:30pm. I’m just checking in and will post details of the trip starting tomorrow. I need to grab a quick bite of food before bedtime.

Lots of fun info and pictures! Great memories.

I will say that the vacation was wonderful. I am totally in love with Charleston. It’s a quaint, inviting, charming city; not at all imposing or confusing. We waded in fountains, road on a boat, tour bus, carriage, trolley, and walked. Visited historic houses, plantations, forts, parks, markets, harbors, restaurants, and monuments. I even dreamed about them last night. It was like reliving everything.

So check back tomorrow and I’ll give you the first day of the trip! In the meantime, thanks for being patient and missing my posts!

In 1868 Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Caroline were readmitted to the US; in 1876 – Battle of Little Bighorn – Custer’s Last Stand. In 1950 the Korean War began; in 1951 the first color TV broadcast was the Arthur Godfrey show. In 2020 the Dixie Chicks changed their name to The Chicks. June Lockhart (actress: Lassie) was born in 1925; Carly Simon – singer/songwriter – in 1945. George Armstrong Customer died at age 36 (Battle of Little Bighorn); Michael Jackson in 2009 at age 50 and Farrah Fawcett at age 62 in the same year. In 2006 Nicole Kidman married Keith Urban.

Why the Dixie Chicks Changed Their Name: “We Want to Meet This Moment” |  Vanity Fair
The Dixie Chicks aka The Chicks
George Armstrong Custer, who developed from being a hopeless cadet to national military hero
George Armstrong Custer

TOMORROW June 26 is:

Have a great weekend – God bless!

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