It was very cool this morning but has warmed up and is sunny and bright. Sunday School went smoothly (no wayward donkeys) and the boys made a mat by weaving construction paper strips together and tying twine on the ends. Mary is so resourceful in the craft department. Our lesson was about the four friends who lowered their sick friend down through the roof so Jesus could heal him (which He did). Max was concerned about how they got all the bricks off the roof. It all worked out.

After church I stopped and handled a vacation errand. I was going to pop into Walmart but didn’t have it in me. I also stopped at the $ Tree and got a small plastic boat that we will float in a pan of water for next week’s Sunday School lesson, which is about Jesus calming the storm. Also got a little package of wooden sailboats that the kids can decorate and hang in their room to remind them of Jesus’ power.

Talked to Autmn for a while, and she needed a ride to a friend’s 16th birthday party. It’s about 20 minutes away and a beautiful drive so I didn’t mind. I took some pictures of the view from the top of the hill by Sianna’s house. Amazing.

I lift up my eyes to the hills– where does my help come from?

God, give me hills to climb, And strength for climbing!
I didn’t get the ironing done last night so I may do that once I finish this. Also want to review my options to pack for Newport. One week from today!

June 12 – Were you ever chased by some animal? “Mostly a cow that just had her new baby calf and didn’t want anyone near her newborn calf.”
Yesterday’s vacation destination was Sioux City Iowa and the picture posted was the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center. Here are other sites in Sioux City:

Calendar Inspiration –

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW June 13th is:
- National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day
- National Sewing Machine Day
- National Weed Your Garden Day
- Random Acts of Light Day
I don’t think I’m a klutz in the kitchen, nor am I a pro with a sewing machine. But I CAN weed my garden like a pro. Find a random act of light and share your kindness – God bless.
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