The machinery woke me early this morning. They were paving the road behind me and my window was open. By lunch time – when I got home from work – they were in front of my house. Made the house vibrate! My road – Wren Drive – is totally paved and rolled smooth. Impressive to watch them work, but I wouldn’t want that job!

I did laundry, ironing, sorting and packing. So I think I’m pretty organized. That’s a good thing because this week is stacked full of obligations! Nothing hard – just steady, busy. Kathy stopped on her way from 317 Overview to 10 Seneca and we went over last minute notes for vacation. In between now and Sunday we have to finish packing and moving Kathy/Paul, get things organized enough for Paul to manage while we’re gone. I need to finish up my last minute chores and am schedule at Frontier Court Days all day Saturday. Plus get the grass cut before I leave. And I still work two more days this week. A healthy, busy schedule.

Over the weekend when we were moving items, it came up that Kath did not want the butter churn that was at Mom’s. No one else seemed to be interested so of course I brought it home. I’ve moved it to 3 different places; not sure I’m done moving it yet!

After Kathy left I snapped a few pictures of new blooms in the garden. Next will be supper. I have to work tomorrow and check on the car. Not sure what they want me to take.

June 13 – If you were ever in a parade, tell about it. “When we had the horse & buggy we drove in a parade down main street. Dusty, the horse, got upset when the band got too loud in front of us. Your Dad jumped out & grabbed the halter & I pulled back on the lines so hard my hands had blisters. We turned off at the first side street. Very frightening experience.” Dad’s horses did not like parades. They had a few scary experiences.

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Napa Valley CA (I was there once!) and the picture posted was St. Helena. Other points in Napa are:

Calendar Inspiration – What is truly important in your life? Seek a proper viewpoint and peaceful spirit.

Quote –

Scripture – (implied)

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW June 14 is:
- Army Birthday
- International Bath Day
- National Bourbon Day
- National Flag Day
- National New Mexico Day
- National Pop Goes the Weasel Day
- National Strawberry Shortcake Day
- Call Your Doctor Day
- National Forklift Safety Day
Yes! It’s Flag day! Our great Aunt Amy’s birthday was on Flag Day. Mom told us that every year. I remember Aunt Amy very clearly. There are other things tomorrow, but I can be pretty sure I won’t be involved with a forklift! Have a wonderful day. God bless…

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