Today – is a beautiful day! Very sunny with puffy white clouds against a beautiful blue sky. I was outside mowing and trimming and weeding, and I could hear the planes from the Air Show at Arnold Palmer Airport in Latrobe. Great day for the air show. Perfect.

See the plane near the top middle?
I spent the morning getting organized – other than clothes – for our trip to Newport. Food, drinks, maps, wipes, masks, chargers… All accounted for! Then I ate the rest of the soup (about 2 tablespoons left! So sad!) and went to work outside. I found that my lily is blooming and hope the rabbits don’t eat it. They ate ALL the purple blooms and buds off the flower I just bought about a week ago. Rats! No — Rabbits!

Bunny lunch!
Here are pictures of the bench with the stones under it, and the bench/fire pit and the bench/fire pit/step. I like how neat they look!

Next I went over to Kathy’s new place and helped organize some book shelves and closets and watched my son paint the kitchen. It looks so nice! I especially like her shower curtain and rug in the main bathroom. You can memorize scriptures while you get a shower! Fun!

Today is my friend Linda Beer’s birthday. We became friends when our kids were in Bible classes together – they were two. NOW they are 40! Happy birthday, Linda. Hey – that doesn’t mean WE got any older, right?

Happy birthday Linda!
Yesterday was Janet’s birthday, and their family came back from Iowa to spend a few weeks with her parents in Latrobe. They hosted an open house and Mary and I went. It was so nice to see everyone.

June 11 – Tell about any other paying jobs you held as a youth. “I would go & stay at the home where some woman was expecting a baby. I took over the chores when she had her baby. I sometimes was the first person to hold the newborn baby. Most babies were born at home.” That is so cool!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was (as mentioned) part of the best summer vacation destinations – and the picture posted was Cappadocia – land of hot air balloons. Here are other summer destinations:

Calendar Inspiration – Create a serene daydream or mental get-away to escape daily stress.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW June 12 is:
- National Jerky Day
- National Loving Day
- National Peanut Butter Cookie Day
- National Red Rose Day
- National Children’s Day
Not a fan of Peanut Butter cookies or jerky. But I love to love those I love! And I have red roses growing outside my window. Have a lovely day – and celebrate the children in your life! God bless…
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