It’s such a beautiful day outside today. I am probably going out to play in the dirt for a little while after I post this. After breakfast I handled some errands – first to Lowe’s where I got keys cut for Kathy, and pond stone, etc. I needed to pick up a card for a birthday open house later today, and do some laundry. So now it’s time to finish up some of the things that I started.

Today is a day of reflection. I was just thinking about how much has happened in the past year. Through no small effort, Autmn graduated from Highschool! We all celebrated, but no more than her!

John passed away in June, then we started cleaning out the farm (since Mom was in a care facility) and eventually sold it. That was a great move, as the new owners love the place and have been making great strides to bring it back to a working farm. So happy to see the improvements.

Mom passed away in September, and although we mourned the loss of her physical presence, we rejoiced in her heavenly reward and the gathering of so many in one place who loved her – and shared their love with us.

And just like that – thirty-five years were a part of the past.

We had an estate sale at the farmhouse, and all of us ‘shopped’ freely and got small things that meant something to us. Some from our growing-up years, but a lot for the 35 years that we spend sharing time at the farm with Mom and John. I have a few simple things, like hot pad/trivets and books and small items (like a thimble) from Grama Crooks. Plus the furniture, which I love!

In addition to those life-changing events, we had other adventures, as well. Kathy, Paul, and I went to Charleston and Savannah (a destination on Kathy’s bucket list and I loved it!).

Nate’s family bought a house and got moved in on one of the coldest days in late January/February. Autmn moved from her mom’s house to Lori’s place and then in with Nate & Jen. Peyton got his permit and 6 months later passed his driver’s test. He’s happy as a lark in his cowboy boots and hat and working long hours helping on neighborhood farms – independence!

I discovered a water problem in my basement that initially sounded like a $20,000 repair – but a competent young plumber discovered a leaky pipe in the wall and the problem was resolved in a few hours for around $300.00 . THAT was a major blessing, which I am reminded of daily!

My friend Gen put her New York house on the market and sold it immediately; she is headed from the Buffalo area to Albany where her son Chris’s family lives. Congrats to Gen and that major change.

Kathy and Paul bought a beautiful condo across town and are moving in next Friday – and will sell their house asap. My niece Sarah’s family bought a house in Jeannette and the closing is next month – another life-changing event that will be a huge plus, having two kids and only two bedrooms! So happy for THEM! The neighbor to my immediate left should close on their new home within the month, and I’ll be looking at a new neighbor…

Matt left Staples after about 20 years or so, and he (and Peyton mostly) run a lawn care/landscaping business. He’s much more relaxed and loves being outside. A huge change for him, for the good. Logan is stepping into a few roles in taking care of the yard – like weed-whacking.

Three good friends from my years at Smail Auto -Bill, Zum, Dave – passed away around Easter, and my friend April lost her two-year-old grandson to a freak infection the week before. God’s grace and comfort got all of us through that.

The Skunk Hollow girls got together several times, which is always balm for the soul and spirit. Love those girls!

Kath & I are planning on getting away for a few days to Newport RI – to see the Gilded mansions and explore history and adventure – and great seafood!

I am blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful friends and family, and to have the support of so many around me. Thank you to all of you who have supported me and held me up through all the changes and adventures this past year. I think God for you all daily! Please know that my prayers for you are continual.
Now we wait and see what God has planned next – All things work together for good to those who love Him!

June 10 – How much did you get paid? “I was paid $1.00 a day & I felt rich.” Can you imagine any of us being excited about that wage these days? That wouldn’t even buy a gallon of gas — or milk!

Yesterday’s vacation destination was places where you could have family fun, and the picture posted was Acadia National Park in Maine. Here are other family-friendly vacation spots:

Calendar Inspiration – In between your chores, make time to play and rest.

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW June 11 is:
- National Outlet Shopping Day**
- National Corn on the Cob Day
- National German Chocolate Cake Day
- National Making Life Beautiful Day
- National Rosé Day
Let’s all just make like a little more beautiful – just by being kind! God bless …

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