It was very cold here last night – and I’m excited that it’s up to 23* here already just after 2pm. I was snug and warm last night, and no issues that are obvious. I may, however, step out of my norm for the morning and have a second cup of tea! I’d really like to clean off the steps and the walkway down to the shed, but it’s ice and snow- covered and don’t want to risk it.

Just got a notice that my daybed has shipped. Estimated delivery is today, but with the weather there is a ‘delay possible’ contingency on the notice. I can’t get it in the house by myself anyway so I’ll see what happens next!
Since yesterday’s post was all about Autmn Rose (thanks to all who sent birthday wishes and greetings – it was a total blessing for both of us!), I’ll recap yesterday. My sister called it my LOVE day! I (of course!) stopped at L&L Fleatique late morning, and found another snowflake. I’ve got to quit doing this. It was less than $2, so it’s not the money aspect. I’m running out of cute spaces! But I do love my snowflakes!

Every morning at exactly 7:30am Diane sends a music video, and each week is a different theme. This week is FRIENDS and she has been a friend since the first day of 10th grade in homeroom. Yesterday’s song was ‘You can’t Make Old Friends’ by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton. What a profound truth! (Listen to the video/song – they had a chemistry!) Copy & Paste:

I stopped at Kath’s to drop something off to her, and of course we share a strong sister-love all the time. I am blessed!

(aka Cordelia)
I was coming out of Dollar Tree and saw an old friend from about 25 years ago. He was happy to see me, and told me how he didn’t understand ‘God’ and ‘church’ all those years ago when I tried to share with him – but he understands better now, and considers me an important mentor. Not often someone shares that with you. Then Autmn and I got into a txt session, in which she told me several, several times ‘I love you, Mimi!!!’. Warms my heart, because I love that ‘little’ girl!

I was on my way home when my friend Bear (Barry) called me – he’s the friend who had a heart attack last week. He’s home and doing well; no pain, but on restrictions until next checkup. When we hung up, he, too, said “Love you, Marge!” Old friends are dear friends.

I was barely home when Kelly called me, and shortly afterwards Nate called me. We always end our conversations with them saying, “I love you, Mom!” And later in the evening my friend Gen from New York called to tell me a story about sharing. I had given her a ‘comfort’ gift a few years ago, and she shared it with an elderly church friend. She called to thank me both for that long-ago gift and for the privilege of comforting another. We ended our conversation with ‘love you’ as well. So I felt refreshed, blessed, and a deep thankfulness for all of these people in my life who didn’t hesitate to validate my place in their lives! God is good, all the time!

To finish off the evening, I had a potato and watched the Hallmark movie North to Home. It was exceptionally good, and unique in view of traditional Hallmark movies. Surprises, humor, drama; great cast and story line. So glad I watched it. I’ve been skimming a lot of the movies as they usually stick to a given, predictable pattern. I believe this was is worth the watch, maybe even worth buying the DVD!

Not sure what the rest of my day will be – depends on if the bed arrives!
January 22 – When you needed punishment as a child, which parent corrected you, and how? “My father spanked us with his big hand. My mother used a little ‘switch’ – we sometimes had to get it from a bush for her to use it on our ‘back side’.”

Calendar inspiration – A journey without a map or destination can be difficult. Keep your goals fixed in your mind.

Yesterday’s vacation destination was Israel – the picture posted was the Sea of Galilee. No need to go into too much detail about what is interesting there to see and do! Start with the ‘In the Footsteps of Jesus’ tour, and the Biblical tour. Then there is Sunset camel safari, Caesarea, Jordan, Tel Aviv, Jericho, Holy Sepulcher, and the Ramon Crater. And much, much more! Just to be there!

Quote –

Scripture –

Vacation Destination –

TOMORROW January 23 is:
I have horrid handwriting so I won’t celebrate THAT. And next Saturday (Beef day) Kath is bringing pie – so I’ll wait. But today, in honor of yesterday, I want to let everyone know who reads this – occasionally or faithfully! – how much you all mean to me, and how blessed I am that each of you are in my life! God bless…
I never heard that song “You can’t make old friends” but I love it and it is so true!
I was very moved by their relationship and chemistry – and it is very true!