Today is dedicated to Miss Autmn! That girl has a piece of my heart, and I carry her around in mine all the time! I have been so blessed to be there from the minute she was born (3:58pm), and share in all the steps of her life. She has often fought against the odds to move forward, and has had disappointments (as we all have!), and both great exciting times and hard and sad times. One thing is for certain: She has a family that loves her – and even as she steps closer to adulthood and independence, we will always be there to celebrate life with her! Love you, Autmn Rose!

Happy, happy birthday, Autmn! I’m here to say that you will always be a shining star in my heavens – and that I love you always!

January 21 – Relate an experience or memory of a cousin. “Hazel crooks, daughter of Uncle Charlie, was very special to us kids. She was several years older than me. When I married your dad & moved from the country to a more city type setting she helped me adjust to all the new things. We nick-named her ‘which’ Hazel because of my sister having the same name. She became by best friend and second mother.”

Calendar inspiration – Playfulness is an attitude, not an activity.

Yesterday’s vacation destination was a Cruise Ship! The picture posted was the inside main stairways to the decks. Cruise ships offer destinations all over the world. There are holiday cruises, celebrity cruises (such as the Beach Boys one in March!), topical, island, European, – and dozens of cruise lines. Everything you could possibly want to do on a vacation is available on a cruise ship. My mom’s cousin just spent 10 days on a cruise for her birthday with her kids. Just remember this little tip from Rick Steves – travelers usually gain a pound a day on a cruise – at LEAST! So stay active!

Quote –

Scripture –

Kathy aka Cordelia (long story)
Vacation Destination –

Where is it?
TOMORROW January 22 is:
- National Blonde Brownie Day
- Celebration of Life Day
- National Sanctity of Life Day
- National Fruitcake Toss Day
I don’t think I would have waited 21 days to toss my fruitcake. I was never a fan… But Happy Birthday sweet Autmn! Snoopy is celebrating with you! Place of honor!

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